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Year 2 Science Links

Living Things
The Great Fire of London game The Great Fire of London game - Play this game to learn more about the fire. Infant Encyclopedia - The Great Fire of London Infant Encyclopedia - This website has a good information about the fire and including how it started and spread.


BBC Bitesize - Plants BBC Bitesize - Plants - There are learner guides for different topics including what a plant needs to grow and types of plants.    




BBC Bitesize - Animals BBC Bitesize - Animals - This site has learner guides about different types of animals and what they need to survive. Infant Encyclopedia - Animals Infant Encyclopedia - Animals - This website has information about what an animal is and types of animals.


All About Animals All About Animals - Investigate different types of animals. ? Name - Description.


Infant Encyclopedia - Minibeasts Infant Encyclopedia - Minibeasts - Lots of information about the minibeasts that can be found in the UK. Garden Detective ABC Splash - Garden Detective - Find out about the minibeasts that live in an Australian garden.


Food Chains
The Great Fire of London game The Great Fire of London game - Play this game to learn more about the fire. Infant Encyclopedia - The Great Fire of London Infant Encyclopedia - This website has a good information about the fire and including how it started and spread.


BBC Bitesize - Habitats BBC Bitesize - Habitats - Learn about polar, rainforest, ocean, woodland, desert, coastal, urban and pond habitats. Infant Encyclopedia - The Great Fire of London Infant Encyclopedia - This website has a good information about the fire and including how it started and spread.


Properties of Materials
The Great Fire of London game The Great Fire of London game - Play this game to learn more about the fire. Infant Encyclopedia - The Great Fire of London Infant Encyclopedia - This website has a good information about the fire and including how it started and spread.

