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'Punctuality Push' - Week 4 update

Dear Parents and Carers,


Today marked the end of the penultimate week of our 'Punctuality Push' initiative and this week's results are still looking more positive.  The chart below shows this week's daily results:



Number of pupils

late in the morning 

Number of reasons

given as 'Traffic' 

Monday 8th  17 7
Tuesday 9th 25 5
Wednesday 10th 4 0
Thursday 11th  17 8
Friday 12th  9 6


Below is a link to our video resource centre where you can access a 15 minute recording which helps to raise awareness of the possible implications of regular lateness on pupils themselves and the school itself.


Where Greswold's records indicate a pupil being regularly late, families will receive a polite request to ensure the recording is viewed. 


Thank you to our families for their continued support and co-operation during the last few weeks, in highlighting an incredibly important lifelong habit and for helping to demonstrate our school values of Belonging and Respect.  





