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Maths Homework - Summer Term

Set: 03/05/24

Due: 10/05/24



Your teacher will have discussed this week's homework with you.  For many children the focus will be on improving their times tables recall in preparation for the upcoming government times table test.  


You should look at your heat map on Times Tables Rockstars.  Focus on learning the facts that you are not as quick at answering (these will show as shades of red or orange or could be grey if you have not been tested on them yet).


If your Times Tables Rockstars Heat Map is all green and you are confident with your tables recall, consistently scoring 25 in Soundchecks, and you have not been asked to complete any Learning By Questions tasks, you may complete activities of your choice from Times Tables Rockstars for the required 30 minutes allocated to maths homework.




For accessing Learning By Questions the access information is as follows :-


Please access the website here:


The Class Codes are:

Chaffinches = ww 49 42 tr

Nightingales = mr e4 ac 47

Skylarks = 49 6s ms vy


Your child will then need their individual log in code which is a number, a colour and an item.

This is on the log in label which was given to them by their class teacher. 





