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  • New Year 6 House Captains

    Fri 26 Sep 2014
    Today in assembly, Mrs Glover introduced the school to our new Year 6 house captains. Two children, one boy and one girl, have been elected to represent their house. Over the next year, they will need to organise events for their house including assemblies. Children can recognise their house's captains by their coloured badges - look out for them around school.
  • Community Garden Project

    Thu 25 Sep 2014

    Greswold has received funding from the Big Lottery Fund to develop a new community garden. Mrs Cooper, who has been behind lots of developments in our school grounds, was responsible for the application. With the funding secured, it was over to Gro Organic who took on the job of building the garden. After two weeks of work, the project was completed and looks fantastic. We will be having a formal opening later in the year when parents can see the finished garden. It will be then over to our pupils to use the garden to grow their own fruit and vegetables. We are hoping that lots of members of our school community will be able to help with this exciting project.

    Below are some pictures showing the development of the garden. At the start of the project, the first job was to take up all of the slabs in the old quiet area.


    Supplies for the project arrived including earth for the planting beds and plenty of chippings.


    Seating for class learning were added and posts added for the canopy.


    Raised planting beds were constructed and installed. There are six in the garden.


    A smart new shed was installed on some of the existing slabs. The fence was also given a good clean with a pressure washer which made it look as good as few.


    The bark went down and a water butt was installed which collects water from the shed's room. The canopy was also erected to provide shade on sunny days or shelter against rain.

  • Year 6 Life Savers

    Mon 22 Sep 2014

    At the end of last academic year, one of our parents (Ms Melanie Duggan) presented Greswold with a defibrillator. Today 30 children from Year 6 were trained how to use the defibrillator and learned some basic first aid - important skills that could save a life. In the afternoon, members of our staff also learnt how to use the device. While we hope never to need the device, it is brilliant to know that we have so many people at Greswold who have the skills to use the defibrillator if needed. Acting fast in always important. Many thanks to the trainers from Hand On Heart for all their instruction and to Ms Duggan for donating the defibrillator to Greswold.

  • Year 4 Celebrate Roald Dahl Day

    Wed 17 Sep 2014

    Classrooms in Year 4 looked rather unusual today as they were filled with giants, witches, oompa loompas and other characters from the wonderful books of Roald Dahl. Pupils and teachers came to school in fancy dress to celebrate Roald Dahl Day which is on the famous author's birthday. The children also found out more about the life of Roald Dahl, his poems and stories.

  • Gardening Club

    Mon 15 Sep 2014
    Mrs Cooper's Gardening Club have been busy harvesting the carrots they planted earlier in the year. The children enjoyed sampling the vegetables and even discovered a rather unusually shaped carrot which looked more like a squid (see below).
  • Maths Challenge Success

    Fri 12 Sep 2014
    Pupils from Year 6 took part in the King Edwards School Maths Challenge. The team did fantastically well tackling a range of mathematical problems and managed to come third out of all the schools that took part - well done. Below the team are proudly modelling their bronze medals.
  • The Greswold '5 a Day'

    Thu 11 Sep 2014
    We are encouraging all of our pupils to play their part in making Greswold a fantastic school. We will be using the idea of our Greswold '5 a day' which is an easy way to remember the five key behaviours that we are promoting. This will be a key part of our Personal and Social Development work as part of our status as a Healthy School.
  • Key Stage 2 Playground Marking

    Tue 09 Sep 2014
    During the summer holidays, the improvements to the playgrounds continued with new markings being painted for the children to enjoy at playtimes. Below you can see the results in the Key Stage 2 Playground. A big thank you to the PTA for all their hard work raising money to support the developments which will make playtimes even better for our pupils.
  • KS2 Instrumental Lessons

    Thu 04 Sep 2014
    Instrumental lessons will start next week. Children will need to bring their instruments each week on the following days:

    Guitar - Monday (starting 8/9/14)
    Keyboard - Tuesday (starting 9/9/14)
    Violin - Wednesday (starting 10/9/14)
    Drums - Thursday (starting 11/9/14)
    Brass - Friday (starting 12/9/14)

    The children will be told their lesson times.
  • Greswold Welcomes Mrs Scott

    Tue 02 Sep 2014
    Today Greswold's new headteacher, Mrs Scott, led a whole-school assembly to introduce herself to the school. The assembly was also a chance to welcome the children back after their summer break and say hello to new starters. Mrs Scott talked about making the most of the new opportunities that lay ahead of the children this year and encouraged them to embrace the challenges of learning.

    The children have been naturally curious about our school's new leader so Mrs Scott has invited them to ask her questions. These can be posted in a basket outside her office and she will be answering a selection in assembly on Friday.

    Parents will have a chance to hear from Mrs Scott at the start of the Parent Inductions Meetings on Monday 8 September (Years 1, 2 and 3) and Wednesday 10 September (Years 4, 5 and 6). She will be speaking in the Upper School Hall at 5:00pm before parents go to find out what their child will be learning this year from their class teacher.