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  • Year 4 visit Selly Manor

    Thu 30 Jun 2016
    Pupils from Year 4 took a step back in time to the Tudor era when they visited Selly Manor. The children found out what life would have been like and also got to dress up in Tudor clothes. It was great to the children having fun playing with traditional Tudor toys and games - no electricity involved at all. Many thanks to the parent helpers who came along for the day.
  • Year 6 perform 'Does Your Mother Know?'

    Thu 30 Jun 2016

    Pupils from Year 6 rocked the Dovehouse Theatre with an amazing Abba-themed show. Having worked with Mr Clarke, Mrs Whitehouse and the team from Langley for just three days, the children pupils were able to put on a professional performance with amazing acting, singing and dancing. The audience were blown away by the children's confidence and the standard they achieved. A huge well done to everyone who took part in putting on the show.

  • Year 6 visit to France

    Tue 28 Jun 2016

    Pupils from Year 6 spent the week in Hautville Sur Mer near Normandy on an exciting residential visit. The children spent the week under canvas at the camp site and completed a full programme of activities including climbing, raft building, kayaking and high ropes. There was lots of team building and many of the activities ended with the children getting rather wet! Mrs Glover and Miss Whiting were very proud of the group who also were very sensible.


    All of the pictures taken during the visit are now available behind a password. When you click on the link below you will get a log in box. The user name is your child's school user name with solgrid\ before it. So if your child's name was Joe Bloggs, the user name would be:


    The password is the password your child logs in using at work. They should know this.

    Click here to visit the gallery.

  • Year 5 Bikeability

    Fri 24 Jun 2016
    This week pupils from Year 5 have been getting on their bikes to take part in Bikeability training. After a wet start on Monday, the children all managed to achieve their Level 1 certificates. It was then off out onto local roads to learn how to perform manoeuvers including turning left and right safely, using the correct signals to indicate to other road users. The children did really well and most managed to earn their Level 2 as well. Great work.
  • Pick-up and drop-off arrangements from 27/06/16

    Fri 24 Jun 2016
    Many thanks to all parents for their support and co-operation during the past week, especially at the start and end of the school day. Enabling works have progressed smoothly with relatively low interruption to the working day. 

    The arrangements put in place last week will need to continue apart from one slight change. As of Monday 27th June the Infant pedestrian access will reopen for Nursery and Reception children only. A temporary walkway has been constructed which runs from the pedestrian Infant gate up to the entrance to Nursery/Greyhounds. 

    However, the previous gap in the fencing which allowed parents to walk from the Junior gate to the Nursery/Greyhounds entrance will be closed off from Monday so it is important parents of Reception and Nursery children start using the available Infant pedestrian entrance. Mrs Scott, Mr Hornsey and other members of staff will be available to help alleviate congestion and advise parents of the changes and are happy to answer any questions you may have. 

    Apart from this change, the rest of the arrangements will stay the same for the start and end of the school day. Year 1 to 6 will continue to use the Junior gate in the mornings and afternoons with Reception and Nursery parents also using the Junior gate to gain access to classrooms in the afternoons too. The Junior gate will open to parents at 15:15. 

    Many thanks for the patience and co-operation on this matter. Any further changes will be communicated as soon as we can. We would like thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
  • PTA Summer Fest - coming soon!

    Fri 24 Jun 2016

    We hope you are looking forward to the PTA Summer Fest on Saturday 2nd July. The event will be running on the Key Stage 2 field, with the gates opening at 11:45. All year groups are performing a song on our festival stage so please arrive in good time for your child’s slot. A running order is printed below and we ask that you arrive 10 minutes before your child's allocated time.

    There will be lots of other attractions so come along, bring a chair or blanket and have a great family afternoon out.


    Running order for the day

    11:45 Summer Fest officially opens
    12:00 Performances by Nursery and Reception children
    12:15 Performances by Year 1 and Year 2
    12:30 Tug of War heat 1
    12:45 Performances by Year 3 and Year 4
    13:00 Music and Zumba
    13:30 Tug of War heat 2
    13:45 Performances by Year 5 and Year 6
    14:00 Performances by Grewold’s Animated Dance groups
    14:30 Smallwood Boys Band
    15:00 Festival music with our resident DJ
    17:00 Summer Fest closes

  • Pick-up and drop-off arrangements from 20/06/16

    Sun 19 Jun 2016

    Enabling works for Greswold’s expansion will begin on Monday 20/6/16. The enabling works will involve establishing a site compound, removing trees, relocating of infant trim trail and gazebo, creating of additional fire doors and car parking works.

    We have put in place arrangements to accommodate the enabling work and would appreciate your co-operation at this time. From next week the Infant pedestrian access will be closed off by the contractors. All children will need to enter the school site through the Junior pedestrian access. As you can imagine there will be a lot of congestion around the Junior gate in the mornings and we ask for your patience and understanding whilst these changes are taking place. Mrs Scott and Mr Hornsey will be present around the car park and Junior gate each morning to help alleviate congestion and during this time the vehicular access to the staff car park will be closed to ensure the safety of the children.

    Reception and Nursery parents will need to walk across the car park to enter the school building through the Nursery/Greyhounds entrance from 08:40. Staff will welcome the Reception children at the door and direct them along the corridor and onto the playground as usual.


    Morning Nursery children can be collected from their normal place as usual but parents will need to walk through the car park to exit through the vehicular access or Junior gate.


    Afternoon Nursery children will also need to walk through the vehicular or junior entrance at drop off time. The vehicular exit will not be closed during the day so can we ask that you are extra vigilant when walking across the car park.


    Both Afternoon Nursery and Reception parents will need to walk onto the Junior playground and all the way around the back of school to collect their children from the back door of each classroom. The Junior gate will be opened from 15: 15, please then exit the school the same way as you have entered.

    Year 1 and Year 2 children will proceed through the Junior gate in the morning and onto the junior playground. Parents should not accompany their children through the Junior gate. Members of the Year 1 and Year 2 team will be on the playground to greet the children each day. At collection times parents will need to enter school via the junior gate which will be opened from 15:15. Parents will need to wait on the junior playground and the teachers will then bring the children out to waiting parents.

    Years 3 to 6 parents please walk onto the Key Stage 2 playground to collect your children at the end of the school day. Morning drop off will be the same arrangements as usual however as you can imagine there will be a lot more congestion around the Junior gate. 

    During playtimes and lunchtimes all children from Years 1 to 6 will be using the Key Stage 2 playground and fields. We would like to reassure you that there will be adequate lunchtime supervisors with the children at all times.

    Due to a shortage of spaces on the school site, the car park is not to be used by any parent. This includes any parents that are volunteers for the school and anyone collecting children from Greyhounds and after school clubs.

    Any further changes will be communicated as soon as we can. We would like thank you in advance for your support and understanding. 

  • Our finished book benches are revealed...

    Fri 17 Jun 2016
    Mrs Powell was proud to reveal our two completed book benches which have now been painted with the winning designs. They look stunning and feature a mixture of the book-themed designs created by pupils across then school. A team of staff and parents have been busy getting the benches ready and they will now be given a special coating to make them hard-wearing. We have heard that they will be on display at Solihull Library so you can see them in situ later in the summer. Thank you to the PTA for funding this project.
  • The expansion starts next week...

    Fri 17 Jun 2016
    There will be lots of changes ahead over the next year as we embark on our biggest building project in recent years. Greswold will be having two completely new blocks including one for our Foundation Key Stage, while there will also be updates to the existing Key Stage 2 block with new windows and shading. In assembly today, Mr Hornsey shared the plans with our pupils - who were all excited to see what the new buildings will look like. Everything starts on Monday when enabling works begin on site.
  • Year 6 bridge building day

    Mon 13 Jun 2016
    Pupils in Year 6 spent the day learning to be engineers by creating their own suspension bridges. The day was led by Mr Clark from Willmott Dixon Construction, who was able to share his engineering expertise with the children. After working in teams to create their bridges, the finale was to test them to destruction by seeing how much weight the bridges could support. Well done to the winning teams who received prizes for their achievement and many thanks to Mr Clark for running the day.