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  • Year 5 and 6 learn about fire safety

    Tue 13 Jan 2015
    Officers from Solihull fire station visited Year 5 and 6 to talk about fire safety. The children learned what to do in emergency situations, how to make a 999 call and identified fire hazards that can occur in at home. Each child has also been given the task of discussing fire safety with their family at home including their escape plan in case of a fire at night. By completing this task at home they will receive a certificate from West Midlands Fire Service. A big thank you to White Watch for their time this afternoon.

    Fri 09 Jan 2015
    Over the past year, we have been reflecting on the values we think are important to the Greswold community. With Mrs Woodcock leading the process, we have involved representatives our staff, governors, parents and pupils to help us decide our core values. After a lot of discussions we have now decided that the values we think are key to life at Greswold are belonging, respect, independence, curiosity, kindness and success.

    In this week's whole-school assembly, Mrs Scott launched our new values. With some help from the children she explained what the values mean and how they will make Greswold an even better school. The values can be remembered by the acronym BRICKS - which is also a good way to think about them. They are the building blocks of our community. We will promoting each of these values with our pupils, starting by focusing on respect this half term.