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  • Harvest

    Wed 21 Oct 2020
    Thank you to our families for their generosity in Harvest donations. Despite the weather, short notice and a global pandemic, Greswold was proud to offer 2 whole tables full of donations to Helping Hands. There are orange food collection bins outside the Renewal Centre on Lode Lane, Solihull, B91 2JR for all those who would like to contribute in the future. While our Harvest donations were being collected, our children enjoyed watching our own recorded Harvest Festival with every class or year group contributing poems, songs, dances, artwork or research - all recorded in advance by our staff team. 
  • Uniform Update

    Thu 15 Oct 2020

    After careful consideration, in light of the current COVID-19 situation, the decision has been made to temporarily amend Greswold’s uniform policy in order to better suit the needs of the exceptional circumstances that we presently find ourselves in.


    With the winter weather drawing in, one of our fundamental priorities at Greswold is safeguarding the comfort, health and wellbeing of all of our pupils, which includes ensuring that all pupils feel that they are appropriately dressed to suit the colder climate as they continue to spend more time outdoors.


    Consequently, the decision has been made that when pupils return after half term, the following winter uniform will apply to all Greswold pupils, regardless of gender:


    • Plain grey trousers or royal blue knee-length skirt or pinafore dress
    • White long-sleeve shirt or blouse
    • School tie
    • Royal blue pullover (not the sweatshirt) or cardigan – with the school crest or plain.
    • Grey or white socks, or royal blue or white tights
    • Black sensible shoes (trainers not permitted)
    • A warm, waterproof hooded coat


    Please note that on PE days, it will still be the requirement to send children in outdoor PE kit. Please consult our website for further guidance on this.


    As ever, Greswold will still maintain its high expectations of presentation to link with our value of belonging; therefore, I do ask for your support in ensuring that pupils attend school looking smart and demonstrating pride in their uniform.


    A full parent consultation on uniform will still be carried out in 2021, when the uniform policy is due for a scheduled review, where feedback about our policy will be welcomed.


  • Tennis Lesson Opportunity

    Mon 12 Oct 2020
    One of the most disappointing aspects of the current situation has been school not being able to offer our usual range of extra-curricular clubs.  With this in mind, we've been made aware of a tennis opportunity at a local club which we'd like to pass onto our school community.  Thank you.   
  • Information on Remote Learning Policy and potential 'bubble' closure procedures

    Mon 05 Oct 2020

    All school staff have been working both tirelessly and diligently during these challenging times to ensure the safety of all pupils and our whole school community.  Despite this, it is prudent to plan for scenarios in which pupils, classes or indeed year groups might have to work from home if the need arose.  Therefore, we have published a Remote Learning Policy available in the policies section of 'About Us' on our website. 


    School would like to assure all families that a decision to close a bubble, class or year group would not be made lightly, and would only take place with direction from Public Health England. 


    The policy itself sets out Greswold's response during such an occasion and contains detailed information on available provision during a pupil's time away from school.  


    Although the approaches set out in the policy are similar to those used during the previous national lockdown, there are a couple of notable additions.  Recorded demonstrations relating directly to the weekly plans, along with the opportunity to participate in live sessions with class teachers, will be used to enhance the home learning experience even further. 


    School are aware that during the previous lockdown, there was an increasing demand for live conferencing amongst families.  However Greswold took the decision to not introduce these immediately until we were fully satisfied all appropriate safeguarding measures were in place by the various platform providers, especially with regards to Data Protection.   


    The service we have chosen to use for live sessions is Microsoft Teams with instructions on how to access these being available on each year group's website page when the need arises.  It does state in the policy that any families who aren't able to access any of the activities because of issues relating to the type of device they own should contact the school office so that we can provide further assistance.  


    Thank you for your continued co-operation and keep safe.  
