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  • Important Sports' Day update

    Fri 18 Jun 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers, 

    Greswold would like to update you on the forthcoming Sports’ Days for:


    Nursery (Wednesday 14th July)

    Reception, Year 1 and The Den (Tuesday 29th June)

    Years' 2, 3 and 6 (Wednesday 30th June)

    Years' 4 and 5 (Thursday 1st July)


    After much deliberation, it has been decided that parents will still be invited to attend, if they wish to, their child’s Sports’ Day.  However, we’ve had to make several amendments to our initial plans, in light of recent changes to the easing of government restrictions, the increasing Covid rate in Solihull and the plain fact that school haven’t the personnel to marshal such an event in way reminiscent of other public and commercial events you may have attended or witnessed recently.  Please read the following instructions carefully: 




    •    Only one parent or carer per child participating is invited as we must keep each spectator bubble to a maximum of 30. We request that pre-school children do not attend unless there really is no alternative. Please note that toilets will not be available to any visitors during Sports’ Days.


    •    Parents need to arrive at school at 2:25pm to be able to access part of Sports’ Day through the KS2 pedestrian gates, by waiting on the grassed areas at the front of school, not on the actual carpark itself.  Parents must not park in the car park.  Solihull Council have been informed of the events and therefore parking restrictions around school will be eased.  However, Park & Stride venues are still available to use.  The key stage 2 pedestrian gates will then be closed, and late arrivals will not be admitted, so that other parents collecting children at the end of the day aren’t on site altogether for a prolonged period of time. 

    •    Parents will be expected to stay with their child’s bubble and not to mix with parents from other bubbles between arrival and departure after collecting their children.  If you have more than one sibling participating, then we need to encourage you to choose which sibling’s bubble to stay with or arrange for another family member to support the second sibling.  

    •    Parents will be expected to wear face masks whilst watching Sports’ Day. 

    •    Each individual event zone will be coned off so that parents know where to stand.  These cones will be situated two metres apart to promote social distancing.  Parents are asked to bring a blanket, cushion or towel to sit on and to sit behind a cone to keep themselves and others safe.  

    •    At the end of the Sports’ Day, your child(ren) will return to their classrooms for you to collect them.  Please allow the children to return to their classrooms before making your way to the picking up area.  

    •    As we can't congregate to find out the final scores at the end, there will instead be a virtual assembly at 4:30pm each day for the Sports’ day results to be announced to pupils and families.  Children will be able to access these from home or Greyhounds using Microsoft Teams.


    Timings and further details for Nursery Sports' Day will be communicated soon via the school app messaging service.  


    Children will be able to attend school all day in their PE kits with children being able to wear a t-shirt in the colour of their houseif they would prefer, St George's (Red), St Andrew's (Blue), St Patrick's (Green) and St David's (Yellow).  Please note this isn't compulsory though.
    We very much appreciate your patience and understanding with regards to these procedures and, though it would not be our choice to be so strict, we feel this is the best way of ensuring our whole school community stays safe.   

    Please note that we are continually reviewing school and Sports' Day procedures in light of local and national circumstances as well as confirmed or possible Covid cases in school.  We will review our position on a daily basis and make changes accordingly.   

    Thank you and stay safe. 

  • Greswold nature area development

    Fri 11 Jun 2021

    Greswold staff members Mr and Mrs Cooper along with school governor, Mr Hassan and his team of volunteers, have worked tirelessly during half term to regenerate a patch of the nature area left unused for a number of years.  The area as a whole is now a magnificent learning environment for all staff and pupils to continue to enjoy and explore.  Thank you so much to everybody for their time, effort and dedication.  Enjoy the before, during and after photographs! 

  • Greswold goes litter picking

    Thu 10 Jun 2021

    We are very proud of the children who took part in the 'Great British Spring Clean' this afternoon. The children along with Miss Sumner, Mrs Cooper and Miss Mears collected litter from our school grounds, Buryfield Road, Naseby Road and Coldlands Woods. They were all very enthusiastic about keeping our environment clean and taking pride in our local community.

    Thank you to 'Love Solihull' for loaning us the litter picking equipment. If you would like to get involved in the campaign at home then please follow the links below:


