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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • House Point Assembly - Summer 2

    Fri 10 Jul 2015

    Tennis was the theme for the final house point assembly of this academic year. The house captains  from Years 2 and 6 explained about the different traditions of Wimbledon and showed some highlights in their presentation. They then helped Mrs Robson present certificates to the children who have collected the most house points this half term. Well done to all the children who received certificates and to St. David's house who won the house competition for this half term.

  • Health Week 2015

    Fri 10 Jul 2015

    This week has been our ‘Health Week’. To promote healthy eating, well-being and fitness, children have participated in a range of activities both in and out of the classroom, including our Educaid Sponsored Walk. Each class has participated in practical cookery sessions based on the theme of ‘Healthy Eating’. The children have been encouraged to help prepare the food and also to taste the end results! If you would like some new ideas for healthy dishes, click here. Recipes include: chicken and mango salsa wrap, roasted vegetable cous cous and banana and berry smoothie. For other healthy eating and fitness tips, check the Change4Life website

  • PTA Treat - Charlotte's Web

    Mon 06 Jul 2015
    This year the PTA have been working hard to raise money which goes back to supporting the children at Greswold. As a special end of term treat, the PTA had booked M&M Theatrical Productions to put on their version of Charlotte's Web for the whole school to enjoy. The children loved watching the story of Wilbur the piglet and his friend Charlotte the spider. Thank you to the PTA for funding the show and to our community who have supported the PTA this year.
  • PTA Summer Family Fun Day

    Fri 03 Jul 2015

    This year’s Summer Fun Day will take place on Saturday 11 July from 12:00 – 4:00 pm. The PTA have invited CircusMash to come along and be the centrepiece of our summer fair. You can seem their work on their YouTube channel. The group will be running short performances from 1:00 pm, so come along and have our usual delicious BBQ and samosas, a cold drink or two, enjoy the workshops and all our usual fun and games.


    Donations of bags of sweets and any wines or spirits would be much appreciated. Please send them into school on Friday 10 July.

  • Morning Nursery visit the Woods

    Thu 02 Jul 2015
    "If you go down to the woods today..." starts a famous song. Well today our children from Nursery went for a walk around our local woods to develop their observation skills. They had some photographs of different locations to spot and had to keep their eyes peeled. Later on there was time for a picnic lunch at St Helen's Church. Thanks to the parents who came to help.