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Arrangements for bringing children to school / collection

In order to strengthen security and to clarify our procedures, please observe the following arrangements:


Mornings / Drop Off


The car park is locked between 8.30 am - 9.15 am and 3.10 pm - 3.35 pm each day to ensure the safety of the children. Please adhere to the parking regulations outside school as advised by Solihull MBC. Do not risk getting a penalty notice from the parking wardens and please park considerately and safely for the benefit of yourself, your children and our neighbours.


Nursery children should be accompanied to school, walk in through the Lower School pedestrian gates and into the Early Years entrance by 8.30 am. As the door will be manned, pupils will not be able to go back out of the school grounds.


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children should walk in through the Lower School pedestrian gates and through the blue gates at the far right of school which will be unlocked for 8:40 am. Parents are asked to not crowd by the gates.


Years 3 to 6 children should walk in through the KS2 pedestrian gate and directly across the car park and through the KS2 gate at the far left of school. This gate will be open between 8:30 am and 8:40 am.


In the morning, any late children must go to the school office to be signed in the ‘late log’. This is found by the school office in the main Upper School entrance area and is used to cross-reference with the attendance register.


Afternoons / Collection


All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children need to be collected at 3.20 pm via the exterior classroom doors. Parents can access these areas via the lower school pedestrian gates.


All Year 3 and Year 4 children need to be collected at 3.10 pm from the exterior classroom doors. Parents should access these areas via the Key Stage 2 pedestrian gate.


Nursery children (morning session) should be collected by their parents either at 11.30 am or, if they are staying for Greyhounds Nursery Lunch club, by 12.45 pm. Nursery children (afternoon session) are to come into school with their parents through the Nursery entrance at 12.30 pm. If they are Greyhounds Nursery Lunch club children they will arrive at 11.15 am. All Nursery afternoon children will be collected at 3.30 pm from the nursery entrance. For Nursery children who attend Greyhounds (before and after school or wrap-around) – they will be taken to or collected from Nursery at the appropriate time.
