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Educational Visits

All year groups offer educational visits during an academic year. These may be for a half-day, whole day or residential. In all cases they are designed to support and supplement the children’s education.

The school ensures that all visits:
  • have a clear and stated educational purpose
  • are related to the age and aptitude of the participants
  • are organised and conducted within the Solihull Council Schools Visits Policy.


Aspects relating to charges for all school activities are covered in the current Charging Policy.

Day Visits

We let know parents know in advance about upcoming visits. The particular visits in each year group can vary from year to year, but tend curricular focus such as Science or History.

We rely on parents to help on most of the day visits and value such parental support. To help on a visit with your child we will need to complete a DBS Barred List Check at least a week before. For this check to be carried out we will request your current full name, any names previously used and your date of birth. We are sure that parents understand why these checks are required and are reassured that they are completed.

Residential Visits

Greswold has a strong tradition of residential visits. We currently offer four residential visits to children at our school:


  • Year 2 - Dunfield House - Two nights away in the Herefordshire countryside with a creative focus.
  • Year 4 - Standon Bowers - An outwards bounds weekend in Staffordshire.
  • Year 6 - Brecon Beacons - a week away at an outdoor and adventure site in Wales.