In the academic year 2022-2023 we will have three classes of 30 children in Years' 3, 4, 5 and 6. Each class is taught predominately by their own teacher(s) with some lessons being taught by other teachers. Some children are also given additional support, where appropriate, in smaller groups within or outside their classroom. The majority of formal teaching of English and Mathematics takes place during the morning lessons and we focus on developing key skills. We deliver all aspects of the National Curriculum, aiming to bring topics to life. You can read more about our curriculum here.
At Greswold we aim to foster a love of reading. We use the Accelerated Reader system to assess and track our pupil’s reading in Key Stage 2. Once given a reading level, children can select suitable books from our Library to enjoy both in school and at home. The teaching of phonics continues into Year 3 for children who have not yet fully developed a full understanding, however we start to focus more on spelling strategies and other ways of tackling unfamiliar words when reading.
We want all our pupils here at Greswold to live our values of belonging, respect, independence, curiosity, kindness and success (BRICKS). As children progress through Key Stage 2 we develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural education through regular assemblies, circle times, class discussions and teaching in lessons including PSD and RE. We encourage our pupils to make the correct choices with their behaviour and they are rewarded in a range of ways including house points and credits. Additionally, pupils work to achieve badges and are publicly recognised on our Roll of Honour. Our Behaviour Policy also outlines how our staff will respond if children make the wrong choices.
In Key Stage 2 children take on greater responsibilities reflecting their growing maturity. Our Year 6 pupils have a great number of roles around the school before school, at playtimes and during the school day. We also look to our oldest children to act as role models, leading their school houses and demonstrating the behaviours we want to see at Greswold.
Times for the School Day
School begins - 08:30
Morning playtime -10:45 to 11:00
Lunchtime -12:10 to 13:10
End of lessons - 15:10
Child care outside these hours is provided by our own provision, Greswold Greyhounds Childcare. For more details, visit their section of the website.
Our partnership with parents
There is a meeting for parents early in the Autumn term when parents can learn about the routines and curriculum for the year ahead. There are two formal parent-teacher consultations at key points through the year and an informal opportunity for discussion at the end of the Summer term. Parents can also talk to staff if they have any queries or arrange an appointment, if required.
Throughout the academic year there are a number of special events and themed days for the children to enjoy. All year groups have at least one off-site visit which is intended to bring learning to life and enthuse our children. Visits can change from year to year but have included Birmingham Botanical Gardens for Year 3 (linked to their topic of rainforests), Selly Manor for Year 4 (linked to their topic of the Tudors), Blists Hill for Year 5 (linked to their topic of Victorians) and the Severn Valley Railway for Year 6 (linked to their work on World War II). These visits also provide opportunities for parents to help by accompanying their child. Furthermore, Greswold offers residential visits in Years 4, 5 and 6, each of which has a different focus. You can read more about our residential visits here.
There is a range of extra-curricular clubs for Key Stage 2, many of which have a sporting focus. Children in KS2 and, in particular, years' 5 and 6, regularly compete in inter-school sporting competitions, organised by the Solihull Sports' Partnership and South Solihull Schools' Sports' Council. To enhance our provision, we also access some specialist coaching such as cricket, Tag Rugby and Tri-Gold coaching. Music has had a special place at Greswold and there are opportunities for pupils to learn an instrument in Key Stage 2. In Year 4, all our pupils get to learn a brass instrument and have whole-class lessons, culminating in their participation in a region wide event called Brass Blast at Warwick Arts' Centre. Performing to an audience is a big part of playing an instrument and we provide assemblies when the children can demonstrate their skills to parents and their peers.
Assessment and feedback
The children’s progress throughout Key Stage 2 is regularly monitored and tracked. You might find it useful to see the assessment section of our website and read our Feedback on Learning Policy. At the end of academic year a formal report is issued giving each pupil’s current attainment, celebrating their successes and giving next steps to develop their learning further. Year 6 pupils take part in national assessments which take place each May.
In the Summer term, children have the opportunity to spend a day with their next teacher in their new classroom. During this day the children find out about the topics for the year ahead and the expectations in their new year group. Classes are mixed at the end of Year 2 in readiness for starting Key Stage 2 in Year 3 and again at the end of Year 4 ready for Year 5. For more details about this, please see our Transition Policy.
Children in Key Stage 2 have a playground and large field to play on, with plenty of places to sit quietly. During their playtime, pupils can make use of the space to play with their friends or at lunchtimes join in with organised activities.
Our Key Stage 2 children can bring their own lunch to eat at lunchtime or parents can choose to purchase a hot meal from our kitchens. More details about school meals are available here.