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• How is the effectiveness of the provision for pupils with SEND evaluated?

How is the effectiveness of the provision for pupils with SEND evaluated?



We have high expectations for our pupils with SEND, and respond proactively when we feel that a strategy is not having the intended impact. We strive towards our pupils with SEND making progress at the same rate as their peers, from their starting points.


We utilise provision map to set SMART targets which are reviewed alongside teachers, parents and pupils termly. We also log all interventions on provision map which are reviewed alongside targets termly. Teachers also complete Early Years tool kits / mosaic data (KS1 and KS2) to assess pupils academic attainment if they are working below their year group curriculum. This helps staff identify gaps of knowledge to provide further support and can also be implemented into targets if necessary. Pupils with SEND also have a pupil passport on provision map where strategies and classroom adjustments can be identified alongside the pupil. These are also reviewed termly alongside the learning plans and mosaics. 
