Admissions into Greswold's Nursery are managed by our School Office. Children can be admitted in the term after they become 3 years old. We admit children at the beginning of each term in September, January and April. For more information about applying for a Nursery place, see below. We also accept Rising 3s into our Greswold Greyhounds Childcare provision.
Reception to Year 6
Greswold's admissions into Reception, Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) are managed by Solihull Local Authority. Please contact the Schools Admissions department if you are interested in a place here at Greswold School. Their contact details are:
School Admissions
PO Box 20
Council House
B91 9QU
Phone: 0121 704 6693 (Mondays - Thursdays 09:00-17:00, Fridays 09:00-16:30)
This website also contains details about appeal arrangements.