The expectation in the new National Curriculum is that children should know all of the times tables from 1 to 12 off by heart by the end of Year 4.
Not only this, but it is important the children learn different addition and subtraction number facts to help with their instant recall, which will especially help when they are using addition and subtraction throughout their Maths topics.
The Greswold challenge is based around our Solar system and was introduced to help our pupils learn the number facts as well as the times tables. There are 11 steps in the challenge, which is outlined in the document below:
Number facts
The below posters have all of the number facts on them which children need to learn and have instant recall of.
They can be printed at home or used to help your children learn these.
Times Tables Posters
The below posters have the times tables from 1 to 12 on them.
They can be printed at home to help your child learn the times tables.