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Musical Performances


Year 1 perform Lollipop

A song released in 1958, performed in our 60th anniversary assembly.

Year 2 perform The Witch Doctor

A song released in 1958, performed in our 60th anniversary assembly.

Year 3 perform Barbara Ann

A song released in 1958, performed in our 60th anniversary assembly.

Year 4 perform Labamba

A song released in 1958, performed in our 60th anniversary assembly.

Year 5 perform Rockin' Robin

A song released in 1958, performed in our 60th anniversary assembly.

Year 6 perform Jailhouse Rock

A song released in 1958, performed in our 60th anniversary assembly.

Happy Birthday to Greswold

Years 1 to 6 sing 'Happy Birthday Greswold' in our 60th anniversary assembly.

Back in School Again

Children singing in whole-school assembly - September 2018