Each academic year, there will be three classes of 30 children in both Year 1 and Year 2. Each class is taught by their own teacher and benefits from the support of a teaching assistant each morning. Children may be given additional support, where appropriate, in small groups outside their classroom. The majority of formal teaching of English and Maths takes place during the morning lessons and there is a real push on developing key skills. We deliver all aspect of the National Curriculum, taking a topic based approach to learning. The children have opportunities to learn in a continuous provision, with easy access to the resources they require. We encourage children to make choices about their learning and explore their interests. You can read more about the curriculum here.
At Greswold we aim to foster a love of reading and so the development of reading skills is a priority. A key focus of our teaching is the development of phonic skills. Our main scheme for teaching phonics is Supersonic Phonic Friends. which is supplemented by reading books from a range of schemes. We use a wide range of teaching methods and resources to deliver our lessons including practical activities, games, videos and interactive whiteboard activities. At the end of Year 1, children will be assessed using the national phonics screen test. Any children do not achieve the required standard are given further support during Year 2. Reading books are sent home on a regular basis for you to enjoy with your child and during Year 2 pupils start to visit our fantastic library to choose their own books as well.
We want all our pupils here at Greswold to live our values of belonging, respect, independence, curiosity, kindness and success (BRICKS). As children progress through Key Stage 1 we develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural education through regular assemblies, circle times, class discussions and teaching in lessons including PSD and RE. We encourage our pupils to make the correct choices with their behaviour and they are rewarded in a range of ways including stickers and house points. Additionally, pupils work to achieve badges and are publicly recognised on our Roll of Honour. Our Behaviour Policy (available on this page) also outlines how our staff will respond if children make the wrong choices.
Times of the School Day
School begins - 08:50
Morning playtime -10:45 to 11:00
Lunchtime -12:00 to 13:00
End of the school day - 15:20
Child care outside these hours is provided by our own provision, Greswold Greyhounds Childcare. For more details, visit their section of the website.
Our partnership with parents
There is a meeting for parents early in the Autumn term when parents can learn about the routines and curriculum for the year ahead. There are two formal parent-teacher consultations at key points through the year and an informal opportunity for discussion at the end of the Summer term. Staff are normally on hand at the end of most days to discuss queries you may have.
Special events
Throughout the year there are a number of special events for the children to enjoy such as topic themed days and weeks where the whole school focus on a theme. Both Year 1 and 2 have opportunities for educational visits during the academic year.
Assessment and feedback
The children’s progress throughout Key Stage 1 is regularly monitored and tracked. Feedback is given to the children orally and also in writing in their books. We aim to praise success and show the children their next steps to improve their work. You might find it useful to see the Feedback on Learning Policy (available on this page). At the end of the academic year a formal report is issued to parents to summarise their child's achievements over the academic year.
As part of the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals programme, all children in Key Stage 1 are provided a meal at lunchtime without a charge to parents. Our meals here at Greswold are provided by Solihull Catering Services. More details are available here.
Towards the end of the Summer term, children have the opportunity to spend a day with their next teacher in their new classroom. This transition day also allows the children from Year 2 to get used to the routines that are used in Key Stage 2. See our Transition Policy (available on this page) for more details.