How does Greswold support social and emotional development?
Social and emotional development is how children develop understanding of who they are, their feelings and how to interact with others. It includes learning how to form and sustain positive relationships, how to manage and express emotions and how to explore and engage with the environment.
Positive social and emotional development is crucial as it influences self-confidence, empathy, the ability to develop meaningful and lasting friendships and relationships and the sense of importance and value to others. Children’s social and emotional development also influences all other areas of development.
At Greswold we understand the importance of social and emotional development and plan support for pupils who are having any difficulties. We use a whole school approach to Personal, Social and Health and Economic (PSHE) development with our ‘Jigsaw’ scheme of work, which runs through from Nursery to Year 6. Also, our behaviour policy is based around a Restorative Justice approach. In addition, we use elements of the Zones of Regulation (Leah Kuypers), and Emotion Coaching approaches within our day to day routines. We are also a Nurture school and apply the six principles of nurture to our daily practice.
We have a dedicated Pastoral team, which includes the Inclusion lead, SENCo, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Inclusion teacher (SEMH lead), Learning Mentors, Learning Support Assistants and the Manager of Greswold Greyhounds. This team meets monthly to discuss any referrals which have been made by class teachers and put together a plan of support for individuals and groups of children. Our Inclusion teacher and two Learning Mentors provide support and deliver small group and individual interventions as and when needed. They are based in ‘The Nest’ which is set up in the style of a nurture room. We seek advice, support and guidance from our SISS SEMH team teacher regularly, and we also work with an Educational Psychologist to ensure that we are providing the correct support for our children.