Dear Parents and Carers
I have attached to this letter a useful flowchart for the process parents and carers should follow if their child shows any symptom(s) of Covid 19, once school has broken up for the Christmas holidays.
From 4pm on 18th December, when notifying Greswold of any symptoms or test results, you must use the office email account as phone messages cannot be accessed. School leaders will access the email account regularly up to and including 24th December for contact tracing purposes.
If you are emailing the school office, please include the following:
Child’s name
Child’s class
Date and time of first symptom
Date and time of booked test (please don’t wait until after the test to email us)
Details of whether your child attends Greswold Greyhounds
Your name and a contact number
May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas.
Yours faithfully
Karen Scott