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Demonstrating values help Greswold to finish a very credible 3rd place at South Solihull Dodegball competition

This week, Greswold took two year 5 teams to the annual School Games' South Solihull Dodgeball competition.  The event itself is based more on the School Games' values of honesty, teamwork and respect, rather than who wins the individual games.  Greswold finished 3rd overall which is a really good achievement given how many teams entered.   


Some comments from the attending children included:


"It was really fun, the time went so quickly."

"I enjoyed helping out the other teams and working with new people when they didn't have enough players and we had too many."

"I liked how we recognised the children who were being good sportspeople, rather than just who is good at sport."


Well done to everyone involved and to Mrs Reilly for supervising at the event. 
