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Everything football....

The 6th February marks the start of English Schools' Football Week but football fever has already engulfed Greswold this year!


As well as the boys' school football team having an exceptional season so far (another win last night), year 5/6 girls are training for their first match of the season on Tuesday 14th February.  The match is part of a wider football festival taking place at Lode Heath school between 4:45-5:45pm.  A boys' B and C team will also be competing against comparable teams from Dicken's Heath school, something to really look forward to and celebrate.


Yesterday, the boys' A team continued their impressive season with a 3-0 win against Sharman's Cross, a rearranged game from earlier on in the season.  This means their record so far this season reads 4 wins from 5 games with matches against Monkspath and Valley Primary to come.  Their aim is to reach the season ending tournament with the top four teams in the large schools' league competing against each other in a play-off competition to crown the best large school in South Solihull.


During the ESFA football week (or fortnight, in the case of Greswold), football coaching sessions will be taking place at lunchtimes for other year groups as well, with staff and coaches ensuring fair play, sportsmanship and the schools values are always promoted and demonstrated.
