After reviewing the results of the first week of the Active Travel campaign, three classes have logged over 100 journeys so far.
Out of a possible 150 journeys which could be logged by each class, Nightingales in year 4 logged 126, Cedars in year 6 logged 117 and Sycamores in year 5 logged 114.
In terms of journeys which have been deemed as active, it’s very pleasing to announce that an average of 92% of all journeys logged so far have been active.
Let’s keep up the positive start and keep logging those journeys, especially pupils from Nursery, Ladybirds (Rec), Squirrels (Y1), Badgers (Y2), Sparrows (Y3), Skylarks (Y4) and Chaffinches (Y4), all of whom have below 40% engagement so far.
Thank you for your co-operation and participation.
Mr Hornsey