Like many others schools, Greswold took part in a short Remembrance service this morning. All week, children have been learning, thinking and talking about Remembrance Day in whole school, key stage and class assemblies, which culminated in this morning's silence, reading and prayer. Mrs Scott, along with two year 6 pupils, will represent Greswold on Sunday at the Remembrance service at the war memorial outside St Alphege Church and will lay a wreath.
Every year, a silence is held throughout the country at 11 o'clock on the morning of the 11th November and these words are heard:
They Shall not grow old
As we who are left grow old
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We shall remember them.
Dear God,
We shall remember those who have lived and died in the service of others. We pray for all who suffer through wars and are in need. We ask for your help and blessing to do good in the world and to live in peace and harmony with one another and with you.