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Greswold secure funding through successful National Highways Social Value grant application!

Greswold recently applied for funding to rejuvenate certain parts of the school.  National Highways were advertising a Social Value grant for schools affected by recent improvements made to the M42 motorway.


After meeting with representatives of national Highways, we are pleased to announce school have secured a grant of over £7,000 out of the £10,000 that we had originally applied for.


This funding will help school to rejuvenate and upgrade the outdoor areas between the long corridor and Y3 classrooms along with the stairwell space next to The Nest.  School's aim is to upgrade these areas or all children to access for self regulation and thinking time.  The outdoor areas will hopefully have the feel of 'sensory garden' type spaces with textured surfaces, calming music, benches and furniture.  The one exception will be the space by year 4 which which will be redecorated and house a canopy so the area can be used all year round. 


Watch this space for future developments.....
