In assembly today, the children from Reception to Year 6 were introduced to Greswold's much anticipated Active Travel campaign due to start next week. The launch of the campaign coincides with a national challenge called Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel (21st March - 1st April) and and concludes in unison with the Living Streets Walk to School Week from 16th - 20th May 2022.
Greswold have managed to secure funding through the government's Active Travel Fund meaning the campaign and subsequent active travel challenge will be incentivised in order to engage pupil and families even more. Every children, including Nursery pupils, can be in a with a chance of winning some wonderful prizes including bicycles, scooters, Smart Activity Tracker watches and WOW badges, if they can actively travel to school on three or more occasions each week.
Every child will be allocated a symbol to use to log their progress using a specially designed Living Streets website called Travel Tracker. Those children who achieve the most badges (by actively travelling at least 3 times each week) over seven weeks will be added to a grand draw to win the prizes mentioned above. Families will be kept up to date with the progress of the campaign and the challenge itself over the duration of the seven week period.
The following modes of transport will be deemed as being active:
Walking, cycling or scooting all the way to school
Using a Park & Stride venue (Places are still available at the Hub on Hermitage Road)
Using the Bus
Parking outside the 5 minute walking bubble for families who live a distance away from school and walking the rest of the way (Check the Sustainable Travel page in Parents for information about walking bubble).
For more information on how to actively travel to school, pleaser refer to the Sustainable Travel page in the Parents section of the website.
Look out for other exciting events during the campaign including a visit from Dr Bike, a visit from Strider, the Living Streets mascot and a special Walking Bus event in May.
Thank you for your anticipated support.