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House Point and Star Pupil assembly helps to round off this term's value of Independence

This morning's House Point assembly nicely rounded off our focus on Independence this half term, by exploring the Japanese proverb of 'Send the beloved child on a journey'.  This alluded to a news clip viewed by the children about a 7 year old girl from Tokyo who travelled to and from school every day using two trains, all alone.  Part of Japanese culture, children are encouraged to travel to school by themselves at an early age.


Although only year 6 children at Greswold are allowed to do this, in the assembly we recognised the important part school staff and families play in providing young people with the guidance they need to become responsible enough to eventually keep themselves safe when they do travel to school independently. 


Well done to Y6 Cedars who had the best attendance of this half term (96.8%) while Y3 Sparrows are still out in front with the best attendance for the whole year (96.4%).


Children received certificates for Star Pupil, the most House Points attained in each class as well as Star Reader awards for children who had read one million words at Greswold.


St George's are still first place in this year's House Point Leaderboard but only by one single point from St David's. 


Our final value of Curiosity was also introduced to the children.    
