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Important Street Tag Reminder - one more week to go!

Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you to the 217 families who are currently taking part in Street Tag, your participation is very much appreciated.  Currently, Greswold are lying 10th with only one more week to go!  


However, it’s been brought to our attention that Greswold’s total score is averaged out amongst all of the families to have an account, meaning if an account isn’t being used, this will affect our overall position. 


Therefore, could we politely ask that families or family members with an account, but are currently not using Street Tag, to delete or deactivate theirs please?  It’s completely understandable why it may be difficult to regularly participate so thank you for your attempts and motivation.  By deleting your account, it will automatically push Greswold further up the leaderboard. Be aware that simply deleting the app won’t work, you need to deactivate your account through the app first.  


Thank you for taking the time to read this message and for working in partnership with Greswold and its parent community. 


Thank you and keep tagging! 
