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Marvellous Marble Run Magic!

Greswold's two day Science festival was a roaring success last week with lessons, activities and games undertaken by the children all related to science and engineering.  To bring the whole school together, Mrs Mills and Miss Smith (Science subject leaders) organised for year groups to design and create a section of marble run which would then be joined together with other sections to create a whole school marble run. 


It was wonderful to see the children and staff so enthusiastic about the challenging project with older children helping younger children to be successful.  There were also so many examples of science and engineering knowledge on display with children generating ideas by themselves on how to raise the marble once it had reached the bottom of one section so that human hands weren't involved in touching it on it's journey.  


Several Star Pupil certificates given out on Friday were for contributions made by individual children in constructing the Marble Run and how their endeavours reflected our school values.  Winners were also able to launch marble on a separate marble run specially constructed for the assembly by the senior leadership team!  


Several members of staff were involved in filming the journey of the marble on Friday after school from Willows on the first floor of the year 6 corridor all the way to the Reception and Nursery corridor.  The children will get to see this video in this Friday's Star Pupil assembly with it being uploaded onto the website after the assembly for our whole school community to enjoy as please watch this space!   


Well done to everyone for making it such a purposeful and inspiring experience. 
