Parent/Carer Forum Minutes: 14/10/24
Attendees: Mr Hornsey, Mrs Woodcock
8 Parents of children in Bumblebees, Owls, Nightingales, Otters, Nursery, Oaks, Robins, Rabbits, Dragonflies
Mr Hornsey shared key information and headlines about the school.
Leave of Absence Requests
- A parent shared challenges relating to requesting a Leave of Absence for children to travel, at short notice, abroad because of a bereavement. Request was denied which caused emotional stress at a very difficult time. Parent felt there should be different rules in place for bereavement.
- Mr Hornsey thanked parent for sharing situation and offered condolences.
- Mr Hornsey then shared processes and protocols as outlined by the Department of Education in its policy called ‘Working together to Improve School Attendance’. All schools have to adhere to government guidelines.
- The Local Education Authority in Solihull help local schools to interpret that guidance in a document called ‘Attendance Enforcement Team: Leave of Absence Practice Guidance for Schools’.
- The key phrase in the guidance is ‘exceptional circumstances’ but these have not been defined by the DfE or the Local Authority.
- Mrs Scott spends a significant amount of time considering and deliberating each LOA request.
- Mr Hornsey made it clear that the school response to parents about their request is a government template which seems quite generic and not personal. This is to retain consistency and fairness and is aligned with all other schools.
- Mr Hornsey then shared data about how many LOA requests there were in 23-24 which was over 170.
- Mr Hornsey then shared information, he’d sourced from a school in Birmingham who receive similar requests, to ensure expectations were consistent which they are.
- A parent shared that in their profession, it would be a panel of people who considered similar requests. However, government guidance stipulates that it’s the Headteacher of a school needs to make the decision to be as consistent as possible.
- There was then a discussion about whether there should be a change in the law regarding bereavement and school shared that parents have the right to appeal penalty notices, however the point that the DfE sets the statutory guidance was reiterated.
- Mr Hornsey then spoke about the need to take children out of school for a long period of time for such circumstances is still a choice, however difficult that may be and encouraged parents to consider all possible alternatives which would in turn avoid the need to refer absences of five days or above to the Enforcement Agency.
- There was a question about the different reasons which families request LOA: bereavement/funerals, weddings, religious observance, exams – music/school, holidays.
- Question about whether there could be a list of exceptional circumstances that we could share in the attendance policy? Follow up discussion about whether this may lead to further difficulties.
Action: Mr Hornsey and Mrs Woodcock to share feedback from discussion with rest of Senior Leadership Team.
Drop-off at KS1 gate
- Drop-off can be a little hectic and it’s difficult to see the children actually going through the gate because of parents congregating close to the actual gate. Parents are aware that they can wait a little later but some have already waited after dropping off for Nursery.
- Staff do remind parents to stand back/to the side and it can be busy at the start of the year but it doesn’t seem to have settled down.
- Similarly, parents are standing in the doorway to Nursery or coming into the porch area which can block children – staff do ask parents to move to the side.
- Could we create a system whereby parents stand back and there is a parent-free zone e.g. ask parents to wait at the edge of the grass.
- Would a one-way queueing system coming in through one gate and out of the other help?
Action: Mr Hornsey and Mrs Woodcock to communicate reminder to parents about standing back and also the fact that at 8.43/44 it is a lot quieter. They will also consider other amendments if things don’t get easier.
Homework (Y5)
- Discussion around children not knowing how to complete homework or haven’t been taught homework topic yet. This was mainly related to Maths. Some English homework was felt to be a bit repetitive.
- There was some confusion about phonics homework in Y2 where one group had a sheet but the others didn’t.
- Discussion around avenues of communication for children if they don’t understand in class but are reluctant to tell their teacher.
- Mr Hornsey shared that the Home Learning Policy was to be reviewed soon anyway.
Action: Include feedback in Homework Policy review
INSET Day – discussion with staff about homework communication.
Pupil Productions
- Always popular with parents but this has reduced since Covid. However, an increase in opportunities is planned for this year.
- Year 1/2 Spring production planned – Y2 will take the lead
- KS! Father’s and Mother’s Day Stay and Play.
- Y3/4 will have performance opportunities to showcase their whole class instrumental lessons.
- Year 5 curriculum production
- Year 6 Production and Leavers’ Assembly planned for Summer as usual
- Reception and Nursery Christmas performances – parents would like dates/times asap to book time off work.
- Discussion around how we promote instrumental (peripatetic) opportunities to parents. Open afternoon? Fayres?
Action: share dates with parents once confirmed and consider recording instrument assemblies or showcasing music lessons at whole school events.