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Never a dull moment here at Greswold - KS2 lunchtime arrangements

After a number of enquiries from parents with regards to outdoor lunchtime arrangements, below are images of how lunchtimes for junior children are structured.  


As parents can see, there is a wide choice of activities to choose from each week and a large free play area where pupils can instigate their own games or use additional equipment, purchased for them by the PTA.


Year 5 and Year 6 boys also enjoy a football club ran by the Football Development Scheme on a Wednesday with girls enjoying the same opportunity on a Friday.  However, in the final half term, year 4 girls will be invited to the Friday club too. 


We have a sizeable compliment of staff, half of which are Lunchtime Supervisors, supplemented by Play Leaders (members of support staff) who help to instigate games.


The library is also available for children to enjoy some quieter time and this opportunity is hosted by Mrs Mason, our school librarian.   


We're always looking at ways to improve our lunchtimes and so School Council will be asking for feedback from classes over the next week or so, in preparation for the final half term of the year. 


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