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Our Year 6 pupils' proving once again that they really can change the world!

Over the last half term, Year 6 have been focussing on the topic of the Amazon Rainforest. Through Geography they have been learning about how people live and use the rainforest, through History we have been looking at how deforestation has shaped the rainforest and how living in the rainforest  has changed over time. Through English we have developed our descriptive story writing and this week, we have used our learning to write persuasive speeches that we want to send to COP28. It was inspiring to listen to the children deliver their speeches with such passion and enthusiasm, showcasing their learning from the past 8 weeks.


A handful of children gave a presentation of their speeches to Mrs Scott and Mr Hornsey who were both considerably impressed both by the quality of powerful and descriptive language used and by how they passionately they presented their speeches.  
