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'Punctuality Push' update - Week 5 and 6

Dear Parents and Carers,


Greswold would like to update you on our 'Punctuality Push' campaign which draws to an end this week.  It's also a chance to summarise what has taken place over the last six weeks and to signpost families to support and guidance which could help to improve and maintain punctuality in the future.



Number of late pupils in total

in the mornings 

'Traffic' being given as reason
Week 1 (4th - 8th March) 104 46
Week 2 (11th - 15th March) 103 46
Week 3 (18th - 22nd March) 87 40
Week 4 (8th - 12th April) 72 26
Week 5 15th - 19th April) 110 76
Week 6 (22nd 26th April)  94 50
Total  570 284


When comparing the above results with the data originally gathered which prompted our campaign on being punctual, there has been a very satisfying improvement.  There were 777 lates between 8th January and the 21st February compared to 570 during our 'Punctuality Push', an improvement 207.  Lates being given to traffic improved to 284 from 354 which is pleasing too.


However, when you look closely at the data, it does feel like the improvement could have been even better.  In weeks' 3 and 4, the total number of lates was 159, however during the following two weeks, the figure had actually risen to 204, exacerbated by a morning of rain this week which caused 30 families to be late.  Please remember to add time onto your journey when it is raining as there will be more vehicles on the road. 


Over the past six weeks, a range of different activities have taken place to promote punctuality:


  • Mr Hornsey has held two coffee mornings for parents to share frustrations, give feedback and seek guidance. 
  • Parents have been encouraged to communicate ideas and tips for getting to school on time.
  • Through an assembly, pupils in KS2 have been taught the life-long importance of punctuality.
  • A recording has been made for all families to access which gives a more personable view of the importance of being on time.  A selection of families have already been signposted to this recording but anyone can view it by clicking on the link below.


Even though 'Punctuality Push' has come to an end, the website page dedicated to being punctual will remain for parents to access at any time, with the link below taking you straight there. 


Also, the Sustainable Travel page provides families with a range of initiatives to explore, which can help to promote active travelling and provide parents and children with other ways of attending school on time.


To all of our families here at Greswold, thank you for continuing to work in partnership with school in relation to being on time, both in the mornings and afternoons.  Together, we can ensure the pupils develop the awareness and attitudes they need to help them to be successful in their future years. 


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