Dear Parents or Carers,
This is an opportunity to update you on our promotion of 'Punctuality Push', our campaign to instil life long punctuality habits across the whole school community.
Unfortunately, there were still 103 pupils late in the mornings this week compared to last week's 104. Although a very slight improvement, 46 reasons were attributed to 'traffic', exactly the same number as last week.
Please be aware that on rainy days, there will naturally be more vehicles on the road. However it might be worth pointing out that if you're driving a vehicle to school and you state the reason for being late is traffic, you are, in essence, part of that ongoing issue.
If you have been previously late due to traffic, please consider leaving home a little earlier, even if it's by five minutes!
School have also been monitoring lateness in the afternoons as well this week. The results below are the average amount of pupils who haven't been picked up from their class three minutes after release time:
Y6 - 2
Y5 - 5
Y4 - 3
Y3 - 8
Y2 - 1
Y1 - 1
Rec - 6
It is particularly noticeable that KS1 parents are all usually on time when collecting their children so thank you very much. Thank you to all other parents who arrive on time to collect their children too.
By doing this, it not only demonstrates the school value of Respect, it enables staff more time to continue working, evaluating and preparing while helping them to be on time for after school meetings or clubs they're required to attend or lead. On some occasions, staff might also need the opportunity to attend a vital medical appointment on time, after contact hours (staff don't arrange medical appointments during the school day), another important reason why collecting children promptly is necessary.
School's ambition is to reduce these late figures further next week, and at the start of next term, something we can only achieve through the ongoing co-operation of our parental community.
It's understandable that on occasion, life dictates that you may be late through no fault of your own and there are numerous examples of parents rushing to make up the time while offering their apologies, something we very much appreciate.
Thank you.
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