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Star Pupils

Our BRICKS value for this half term is Success. Here are some of the reasons pupils were awarded a Star Pupil certificate last week:

For persevering with Phonics and demonstrating our school value of success.

For participating fully in whole class discussions and challenging herself to develop new skills during independent learning time.

For persevering with her English work, even though she can find it challenging.

For trying your best and persevering when you find something tricky, and taking on challenges with enthusiasm.

For putting effort into his learning and really thinking about the steps for success. 

She always comes into school with a fantastic attitude and puts 100% into her learning. She has shown great resilience this week when learning about money and finding different ways to make £1

For settling into her new school so well and showing a good attitude towards learning.

For showing excellent resilience even though life can be challenging sometimes. Keep smiling!

For putting a huge amount of effort into in his learning this week and for immersing himself into our Ancient Egyptian day! His costume was unbelievable and so creative. 

For persevering in English. He wasn't afraid to start again once checking his work- he set himself a goal and he put so much effort into achieving it.

For being a highly organised and motivated member of the class, always trying her best with her learning and to support those around her.

Persevering to always show individual creativity in English; growing resilience to work more independently in Maths. 

For independence and perseverance in Maths.

For persevering with his learning tasks, especially when solving mathematical problems.

For a fantastic effort in maths when we have been doing written methods for division. You showed independence and perseverance, which meant you achieved success! Well done!
