Parents and Carers,
It’s time for this year’s PTA Christmas Decoration Competition, an event run throughout the entire school with the aim of decorating the school Christmas trees in time for the PTA Christmas Fayre in December.
Each year group has been allocated a theme to base their entries on. These are as follows:
Nursery – Stockings
Reception – Snowmen/women
Year 1 – Baubles
Year 2 – Christmas Trees
Year 3 – Father Christmas
Year 4 – Robins
Year 5 – Christmas Puddings
Year 6 – Reindeers
As usual, teachers will set the competition as a Home Learning activity with all entries being judged and class winners receiving PTA prizes for creativity and pupil effort. Please send your child’s entries back into school from Monday 29th November. They will be judged on Wednesday 1st December and used to dress the trees in time for the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 4th December.
We look forward to seeing their creations soon!
Thank you for your continued support
The Greswold PTA