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Winners galore at the end of term House Point assemblies!

There were lots of winners at today's House Point assemblies.  Not only were a boy and girl in each class awarded with a certificate for the most house points this half term but a whole host of prizes and awards were given out for other successes too. 


St David's are now top of the House Point leaderboard for this year after accumulating 44 whole school points at the end of the second half term.  However, it's still a close race. 


Class winners of the PTA Christmas decoration competition were also announced with special decoration prizes being awarded to them.  


So far this year, over 150 pupils across the school have achieved their first WOW badge after logging an active journey at least once a week in November.  The team of Junior Travel Ambassadors will be giving out the badges over the next two days. 


Finally, well done to Year 4 Chaffinches who were awarded a certificate for achieving 97% attendance so far this year, the best of any class in the school.  This was closely followed by year 3 Wrens where children have attended school 96.8% of the time.  A special mention should go to Year 2 Badgers who had the best attendance in KS1 and EY with 96.3%.  
