Congratulations to all of our year 6 pupils this week who have demonstrated our Greswold values with perfection during the annual SATs tests.
The week comprised of six different test papers, all undertaken in very strict test conditions and the children were not only a credit to themselves but also to their teachers, the school and their families.
During the test period, Greswold was visited on two separate occasions by visitors checking on our test arrangements and protocols. On Tuesday, a member of Greswold's governing body observed throughout the morning followed by a senior school improvement adviser from Solihull Authority on the Wednesday. Both were very impressed by the attitude of the pupils and the procedures that were put in place. Comments made during the week included:
'I have high confidence in the integrity observed and displayed by all who were involved in this morning's English Reading test'.
'A well-oiled machine, but not robotic'.
Thank you to our year 6 families who have helped to give the children the best preparation for each morning too, a real combined effort! Roll on July 4th when we can celebrate the children's achievements when the results are available!