Today it was time for our Year 6 pupils to say goodbye to Greswold at their leavers' assembly. The pupils performed two songs from Sister Act and showed off their ukulele skills with a performance of the Cup Song. There were also plenty of anecdotes from the children's time at Greswold, which for some pupils has been 8 years.
We were pleased to welcome the mayor of Solihull Mrs Glenis Slater to our assembly. The mayor helped to present each of our leavers with a book and also awarded the special prizes to four pupils.
Everyone at Greswold wishes our Year 6 leavers' every success for the future. As the mayor said - go and let your light shine.
Parents can watch the slide show from the assembly here. On the Extranet there are pictures of the assembly, group shots of the year group posing and also you can visit the full Year 6 archive. Please note that your child will need to log in to access the secure area. Use solgrid\25initial surname (e.g. solgrid\25jbloggs) then your child should use the password they use in school.