Nursery staff
Mrs Hanlon (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning) Mrs Rowe (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday) Mrs Corcoran (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning) Mrs Popova (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) Miss Daffurn (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday) Miss Coles (Thursday, Friday) | Reception staff
Bumblebees: Mrs Conway (Monday and Tuesday), Miss Boyce (Wednesday to Friday) and Miss Eaton Ladybirds: Mrs Beddow (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), Mrs Croft (Thursday) and Miss Elwell Dragonflies: Mrs Shackleton (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), Mrs Croft (Friday) and Miss Emms |
Tapestry Online Learning Journal |
The Early Years Team make use of the Tapestry learning journal to record your child's progress here at Greswold and to communicate with parents. Click here for a useful guide for parents or click here to log in using the details you have been sent home by the School Office.