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Year 1- Week Beginning 29.03.21

Monday 29.03.21



To start your phonics session have a go at recapping some phase sounds and tricky words. Choose a different set of digraphs, blends or words to recap each day.


Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Tricky Words


This week we will be practicing reading words in the style of the Phonics Screening Check. Ask your child to read through the real and alien words below. They must blend the words correctly to be awarded the mark. 



Please read with your child for 15-20 minutes each day by choosing a free ebook from the correct book band using the Oxford Owl website here. This can be done in one chunk or broken up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Please send a Tapestry message to your child's class teacher to find out which coloured band your child is on.


We currently also have access to the Collins Big Cat Ebook Library which a a variety of colour banded books. Click on the teacher portal and log in using the username and password below. 



Password: Parents!21 



Complete the BBC Bitesize lesson about rhyming words. Learn how to spot different rhyming words and notice similar spelling patterns.



This week we are learning about measuring mass using standard measurements. Complete the Oak Academy Lesson here to experience standard units of mass. In this lesson we will be using 1 kg to compare the mass of household objects.




Read the presentation about our current Queen, Queen Elizabeth II and then watch the video here. Then, Learn the words to part of The National Anthem. 


‘God save our gracious Queen

Long live our noble Queen! 

God save the Queen! 

Send her victorious, 

Happy and glorious, 

Long to reign over us, 

God save the Queen.’



P.E with Joe Wicks- These workouts will be broadcast live at 9am, but don't worry if you miss the live session, they will also be saved to his YouTube channel to watch at any time of the day! 

Tuesday 30.03.21



To start your phonics session have a go at recapping some phase sounds and tricky words. Choose a different set of digraphs, blends or words to recap each day.


Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Tricky Words


This week we will be practicing reading words in the style of the Phonics Screening Check. Ask your child to read through the real and alien words below. They must blend the words correctly to be awarded the mark. 


Please read with your child for 15-20 minutes each day by choosing a free ebook from the correct book band using the Oxford Owl website here. This can be done in one chunk or broken up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Please send a Tapestry message to your child's class teacher to find out which coloured band your child is on.


We currently also have access to the Collins Big Cat Ebook Library which a a variety of colour banded books. Click on the teacher portal and log in using the username and password below. 



Password: Parents!21 


This week we will be performing some poetry about dragons. Today, work through the BBC Bitesize lesson to learn how to memorize a poem, as you will be using this skill when we come to perform our dragon poems on Wednesday and Thursday.


Complete the Oak National Academy Lesson here to learn about kilograms. In this lesson we will learn how to weigh objects and compare their mass in kilograms.


This Friday is Good Friday, and This Sunday is Easter Sunday. Christian celebrate Easter to remind them that Jesus died on the cross and that he was resurrected. Read through the presentation below to find out how Christians celebrate Easter. Then, choose a symbolic Easter item, such as a hot cross bun, Easter cards, chocolate eggs or the Easter Bunny and write a riddle full of clues to describe your symbolic Easter item. Can a family member guess what object you are talking about?



Personal best challenge: How far can you jump? Repeat this challenge each day and try and beat your own distance.


Log in to Real P.E using your class log in below. 


Class  Username Password

Squirrels Class



Owls Class



Hedgehogs Class      








Click on

EYFS/KS1. Choose two of the activities to complete.

Wednesday 30.03.21



To start your phonics session have a go at recapping some phase sounds and tricky words. Choose a different set of digraphs, blends or words to recap each day.


Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Tricky Words


This week we will be practicing reading words in the style of the Phonics Screening Check. Ask your child to read through the real and alien words below. They must blend the words correctly to be awarded the mark. 



Please read with your child for 15-20 minutes each day by choosing a free ebook from the correct book band using the Oxford Owl website here. This can be done in one chunk or broken up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Please send a Tapestry message to your child's class teacher to find out which coloured band your child is on.


We currently also have access to the Collins Big Cat Ebook Library which a a variety of colour banded books. Click on the teacher portal and log in using the username and password below. 



Password: Parents!21 


Watch the BBC Teach clip about how to perform a poem in an interesting and exciting way.


Your task today is to choose and learn one of the the dragon poem's below off my heart and perform it using actions and expression. To use expression you could make your voice louder or quieter, you could change the speed of what you are saying, or you could say words in  a particular way to match an emotion of feeling that you think the poem is giving.


Complete the Oak Academy Lesson on Grams and Interpreting Scales here. In this lesson we will learn how to read mass in grams and compare the mass of objects in grams.



Complete the Oak Academy  Lesson on how we can record wind direction here. In this lesson, we are going to be learning all about the wind. Wind is when air moves. We cannot see wind but we can see it moving objects around us. We will then be looking at types of wind and conducting a wind logging experiment.



P.E with Joe Wicks- These workouts will be broadcast live at 9am, but don't worry if you miss the live session, they will also be saved to his YouTube channel to watch at any time of the day! 


Thursday 01.04.21


To start your phonics session have a go at recapping some phase sounds and tricky words. Choose a different set of digraphs, blends or words to recap each day.


Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Tricky Words


Practice writing the Year 1 common exception words in your best handwriting.



Please read with your child for 15-20 minutes each day by choosing a free ebook from the correct book band using the Oxford Owl website here. This can be done in one chunk or broken up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Please send a Tapestry message to your child's class teacher to find out which coloured band your child is on.


We currently also have access to the Collins Big Cat Ebook Library which a a variety of colour banded books. Click on the teacher portal and log in using the username and password below. 



Password: Parents!21 


Watch Dommy B perform Dave the dragon and think about the different techniques he has used to make the poem interesting to watch. Continue practicing your dragon poem from yesterday using expression and actions. Don't forget to record it and upload it to Tapestry. 


Complete the Oak National Academy Lesson on Applying Addition and Subtraction of measurements. In this lesson we will learn how to add and subtract in the context of mass.


Tomorrow is good Friday and this Sunday is Easter Sunday. Create an Easter card for a loved one. You could include some traditional Easter symbols or traditions in your card like the Easter Bunny, hot cross buns or flowers and animals to show new life. Don't forget to write a message wishing them a 'Happy Easter' and sign your name at the bottom. 



Personal best challenge: How far can you jump? Repeat this challenge each day and try and beat your own distance.


Log in to Real P.E using your class log in below. 


Class  Username Password

Squirrels Class



Owls Class



Hedgehogs Class      








Click on

EYFS/KS1. Choose two of the activities to complete.
