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Year 3

Robins (Miss Smart and Mrs Harrison), Sparrows (Miss Smith and Miss Mobley) and Wrens (Miss Nock and Mrs Mayse)

Welcome to Year 3 - 2024/2025

Year 3 Homework


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Year 3 learning


Week beginning 21st October 

English: Creating a poem based on Autumn 
Maths: Addition and Subtraction - Adding 100s to three digit numbers 

French - Colours 
bleu (blue), rouge (red), vert (green), jaune (yellow), blanc (white), noir (black), gris (gray), rose (pink), violet (purple), marron (brown) and orange (orange.)


Foundation Subjects for this half term


Geography -  Identifying natural disasters with a focus on volcanoes and how they are formed. 

History - The children will be focusing on Mount Vesuvius and creating a timeline of events.

PE - Sports hall Athletics 

RE -  Why should we give peace a chance?

French - I am learning French 

PSD -  This half term's Unit is 'Being Me'.

Computing - The children will be learning about how to use the internet safely.

Music - The children will be focusing on the beat of music

Art - Sketching and shading and creating a model volcano 

Year 3 Maths knowledge organiser


Times Tables


Below are links to videos we have been watching and singing along to. Keep watching and singing at home to help learn your times tables. 


3 x table song


4 x table song


8 x table song


Also available are the links on our website which you can use to help learn your tables. 


Times Table links to help learn Times Tables

Class Routines






  • reading book
  • outdoor trainers 
  • indoor PE - Wrens
  • reading book
  • outdoor trainers
  • outdoor PE, Robins, Wrens and Sparrows
  • reading book
  • outdoor trainers 
  • indoor PE - Robins and Sparrows
  • reading book
  • outdoor trainers 
  • reading book
  • outdoor trainers 
  • homework due and new homework set
Year 3 Learning


Class Photographs


Useful Websites
Term Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Learning Theme 


Ancient Egypt The Romans 
  • Descriptive writing
  • Diary entry 
  • Letter writing
  • Using a dictionary and thesaurus 
  • Recount 
  • Descriptive writing
  • Poetry
  • Newspapers
  • Narrative - story writing
  • Book reviews
  • Non-Chronological reports 
  • Instructions
  • Diary writing
  • Non-Chronological reports 
  • Narrative - story writing
  • Descriptive writing 
  • Poetry
  • Letter writing
  • Diary writing
  • Place value
  • Addition & subtraction 
  • Multiplication 
  • Division
  • Money
  • Statistics 
  • Measurement - length
  • Fractions 
  • Fractions 
  • Time 
  • 2D & 3D shapes 
  • Measurement - capacity & mass


ScienceMagnets Rocks Animals & Humans Light Plants 

Personal & Social


Being me in my world Celebrating difference Dreams and goals Healthy me Relationships The Great Growing up Adventure 
Religious EducationPeace Symbolism Love Hope Prayer Commitment 
Physical Education

Throwing & catching 



Attacking & defending 



Personal best 



Team games








Health & fitness 

Art & DesignColour mixing & shading Collage (Roman mosaics) Drawing, painting & sculpture (Egyptian art) Famous artists - Paul Klee Famous artists - Vincent Bal Drawing, painting, sketching & sculpture 
GeographyNatural disastersRivers (The Nile)Romans 
History Ancient EgyptThe Romans
Music Pulse and rhythm Working in ensembleRecorders, notation & pitch

Modern Foreign


French: Les salutations French: Les animaux & Je suis French: Couleurs, nombres, formesFrench: Les fruits & J'aimeFrench: Je peux French: 
Design & Technology Building dens - Structures Healthy snacks - Food technology Mechanisms - Levers & linkages 