Robins (Miss Smart and Mrs Harrison), Sparrows (Miss Smith and Miss Mobley) and Wrens (Miss Nock and Mrs Mayse)
Year 3 Homework |
For Accelerated reader, LBQ and TT Rockstars, please go back to the school's homepage, click on Children / Online Learning / Quick links.
Thank you
Year 3 learning |
Week beginning 3rd February
English: Reading: The Egyptian Cinderella Writing: Past and Present Tense/Word classes
Maths: 2 times tables, Measurement (length)
We will be celebrating Number Day on Friday 7th February.
Foundation Subjects for this half term
Geography - Why is the Nile so important to Egypt?
History - Ancient Egypt
PE - Gymnastics
RE - What Do the Parables of ‘The Lost and Found’ Teach Us About Christian Love?
French - Verbs/hobbies
PSD - Dreams and Goals
Computing - Using Scratch
Music - Drumming (Sparrows) Recorders (Wrens and Robins)
Art - Egyptian Art
Year 3 Maths knowledge organiser |
Times Tables |
Below are links to videos we have been watching and singing along to. Keep watching and singing at home to help learn your times tables.
3 x table song
4 x table song
Also available are the links on our website which you can use to help learn your tables.
Class Routines | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Year 3 Learning |
Class Photographs |
Useful Websites |
Term | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Learning Theme | Volcanoes | Ancient Egypt | The Romans | ||||
English |
| |
Maths |
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Science | Magnets | Rocks | Animals & Humans | Light | Plants | ||
Personal & Social Development | Being me in my world | Celebrating difference | Dreams and goals | Healthy me | Relationships | The Great Growing up Adventure | |
Religious Education | Peace | Symbolism | Love | Hope | Prayer | Commitment | |
Physical Education | Throwing & catching
Personal | Attacking & defending
Social | Personal best
Cognitive | Team games
Creative | Tri-Golf
Physical | Athletics
Health & fitness | |
Art & Design | Colour mixing & shading | Collage (Roman mosaics) | Drawing, painting & sculpture (Egyptian art) | Famous artists - Paul Klee | Famous artists - Vincent Bal | Drawing, painting, sketching & sculpture | |
Geography | Natural disasters | Rivers (The Nile) | Romans | ||||
History | Ancient Egypt | The Romans | |||||
Music | Pulse and rhythm | Working in ensemble | Recorders, notation & pitch | ||||
Computing | |||||||
Modern Foreign Languages | French: Les salutations | French: Les animaux & Je suis | French: Couleurs, nombres, formes | French: Les fruits & J'aime | French: Je peux | French: | |
Design & Technology | Building dens - Structures | Healthy snacks - Food technology | Mechanisms - Levers & linkages |