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Maths Homework - Summer Term

Set: 28/06/24

Due: 05/07/24


This week's homework is all about TELLING THE TIME.

Please support your child at home with being able to tell the time with an analogue and a digital clock. 


1) There are some games on Topmarks which might be useful - here is the link:


2) We have also set some tasks on Learning By Questions, which might support with this. 


For accessing Learning By Questions the access information is as follows :-

Please access the website here:


The Class Codes are:

Chaffinches = ww 49 42 tr

Nightingales = mr e4 ac 47

Skylarks = 49 6s ms vy


Your child will then need their individual log in code which is a number, a colour and an item.

This is on the log in label which was given to them by their class teacher. 


3) There are some worksheets below which you could print off and complete with your child at home. 


Please do whatever is easiest for you and best supports and suits your child. 

There is no need to do everything - one choice of task is enough!




Telling the Time Worksheets
