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Year 4

Nightingales (Mr Wilson), Skylarks (Mr Iles) and Chaffinches (Mrs Beddow)

Learning Support: Mrs Soni, Mrs Taylor, Miss Baker and Mrs Bevan.

Year 4 Tudor Day - Thursday 27th June 2024

Look below here for the link to the 2024 Standon Bowers photographs


Standon Bowers photographs 2024 (Please use the password supplied to you).

Note that photographs are provided for personal use only and may not be reposted or shared elsewhere online.


Look above here for the link to the 2024 Standon Bowers photographs

Links for Lessons 


Class Routines 2023-24



  • Water bottle
  • Coat
  • Reading Book
  • Skylarks PE (arrive in kit)
  • Water bottle
  • Coat
  • Reading Book
  • Nightingales swimming


  • Water bottle
  • Coat
  • Reading Book
  • Nightingales PE (arrive in kit)
  • Chaffinches and Skylarks swimming


  • Water bottle
  • Coat       
  • Reading Book      
  • Chaffinches PE (arrive in kit)         
  • Water bottle
  • Coat         
  • Reading Book
  • Homework   
  • Reading log to be signed at least 3 times and in school



All children should have a pair of trainers in school every day kept in a named carrier bag. 


For the Summer 1 half term we will be learning about:

Maths -  Fractions & Decimals

English - Including speech accurately in a story, Persuasive Writing

Science - Animal and Plant Classification


Foundation Subjects -  Summer term overview.

Geography -  How can maps help us to compare places?

History - Who were the Tudors?

DT - Textiles - Make a Valuables Holder

Computing - Scratch Coding & Stop-Frame Animation

MFL - Au Salon de Thé

PSD - Relationships & Changing Me

Music -  Skylarks and Nightingales - sound effect compositions;

Chaffinches - Brass lessons with music teachers from Solihull Music Service.

PE - Cricket Coaching & Sports' Day Practice





Please listen to your child read their reading book aloud to you for as much as you can over the course of the week. 

Ideally, this should be 20 minutes per day as outlined in the homework policy. 

Reading logs should be signed at least 3 times per week in preparation for your child's teacher to review and sign them each Friday.

How to support your child with learning their Times Tables. 


In June of the year that your child is in Year 4, they will sit the government test know as the 'Multiplication Times Table Test.'

Every fortnight, the maths homework set will have a times tables focus.  We have collected some ideas here that you may wish to use when supporting your child learn their times tables at home.  We hope you enjoy!


Top Tips for being Terrific at Times Tables!

  • Complete a times tables grid and put it up somewhere in your house so that you can look at it regularly.
  • Repetition! Repeat times tables over and over again in lots of different fun ways.  Here are some ideas:

        - chant them!

        - sing them!

        - rap them!

       - race to say them out loud!

  • Listen to some times table songs!  Follow these links to dance and sing your way to be terrific at your times tables!

       (Parents, please be aware - these songs are from external sites. We have watched them, but they do have adverts which may be subject to change). 

       - 2 Times Table - Can't Stop the Feeling                              - 8 Times Table Song

       - 3 Times Tables - UpTown Funk                                         - 9 Times Table Song

       - 4 Times Tables - I'm Still Standing                                    - 10 Times Table Song

       - 5 Times Tables Song                                                         - 11 Times Table Song

       - 6 Times Table - Shake it Off                                              - 12 Times Table Song

       - 7 Times Table Song

Year 4 News


Important Information for Year 4


Term Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Learning Theme 

Where can we explore?

Europe & North America

Ancient Greece 

Geography - Local Area

History - The Tudors 



  • Q&As about Transition
  • Descriptive writing - settings 
  • Character description 
  • Diary writing
  • Dictations
  • Letter writing
  • Fact files 
  • Descriptive writing 
  • Character description 
  • Poems
  • Non-Chronological reports 
  • Greek myths
  • Fact files
  • Character description
  • Debating 
  • Recount
  • Diary writing
  • Newspaper report 
  • Persuasive writing
  • Letter writing
  • Playscripts 
  • Poetry
  • Non-Chronological reports 
  • Narrative
  • Imaginative 
  • Newspaper reports 
  • Character description
  • Setting description
  • Report writing 
  • Place Value
  • Times Tables  
  • Addition & Subtraction
  • Length & perimeter 
  • Times Tables
  • Multiplication 
  • Area 
  • Times Tables
  • Division
  • Times Tables


  • Fractions
  • Decimals 
  • Money 
  • Times Tables
  • Time
  • Statistics
  • Properties of shape 
  • Position & direction
ScienceSound ElectricityStates of Matter ClassificationTeeth and digestion

Personal & Social


Being me in my world Celebrating Difference Dreams & Goals Healthy Me Relationships The Great Growing up Adventure 
Religious EducationSuffering Good and evil Interpretation Atonement WisdomMarriage 
Physical Education

Swimming & water safety 


Personal best 

Swimming & water safety 



Swimming & water safety 



Swimming & water safety 





Outdoor Athletics 

Outdoor athletics 
Art & Design 

Artist study - David Hockney

Painting - showing relationships

Sculpture Printing
GeographyEurope North America Ancient and modern Greece Mapwork & orienteering Local Area 
HistoryExplorers & settlers Ancient Greece The Tudors 

2 x Terms Music in class ; 1 x Term Wider Opportunities Brass

(Nightingales Autumn, Skylarks Spring, Chaffinches Summer) 


Using the internet safely

Presenting Information 

Data Handling and ScratchStop Frame Animation

Modern Foreign


Je me présente

La Date

Ma Famille


Au salon de thé

Les jeux Olympiques
Design & Technology Skyscrapers - Electrical systems & structures Pneumatics & Hydraulics - Moving mythical monsters Valuable holders - Textiles 