Monday 22.11.21 |
Spelling - Long vowel sound u
This week we are looking at the long vowel u sound. Watch the video below to see how you can spell the long vowel u sound.
Below there is an activity sheet you can print and complete. Alternatively, how many words can you list that use the split digraph u-e? You can find some on the sheet and write them on a piece of paper.
Maths - Adding two 2-digit numbers
The video below takes you through how to add two 2-digit numbers like 32 + 25. It asks you to use base 10 apparatus which is not something you are likely to have at home. There is a printable version below or you could draw out the tens and ones to solve the problems.
Watch the video and complete the worksheet below.
Guided Reading - Traction Man vocabulary
This week in Guided Reading the book is Traction Man by Mini Grey. Today the focus is on the vocabulary from the story. Look at the presentation below. You will probably need an adult to help you with this as the words are quite big. There is a matching activity (below) and then some questions to answer. Optionally you can try to use the vocabulary in your own sentences.
Handwriting - Ladder letters
Watch this lesson with Mrs Frankland. Write a line of each of the ladder letters in your best handwriting.
Click here to watch the video lesson.
Challenge - can you write some words using the ladder letters?
History - Local study / homes in the past
In this lesson, there is a recap of the learning in History so far.
After that you can start to look at how a local place (Solihull town centre) has changed over time. Can you work out the order that the pictures of Solihull go in? You don't need to get the order completely correct - just think which might be the oldest and the most recent. Think about what makes a building look older or newer.
Tuesday 23.11.21 |
Spelling - long vowel sound u
There are different ways you can spell the long vowel u. Watch the video below and look at how it can be spelt with ue, u-e and ew. It can also be spelt with just a u.
Now sort these words into the different ways the sound is spelt. You can print the sheet or write them down on a piece of paper.
English - Vocabulary for The Snow Queen
Today you are going to be creating a word bank with good vocabulary that you can use to describe The Snow Queen.
Click here to watch a video lesson with Mrs Frankland.
You can either jot your word bank down on a piece of paper or use the sheet below.
Maths - Problem solving using addition of two 2-digit numbers
Yesterday you looked at how to add two 2-digit numbers. You might like to watch the video from yesterday again if you were not confident. Can you solve these questions?
54 + 22
46 + 31
24 + 35
If you are confident adding two 2-digit numbers, try the reasoning problems below.
Guided Reading - Reading Traction Man
Today you are going to read the story of Traction Man. You can either use the lesson presentation below to read the story for yourself or click on the video below to listen to the story being read. Can you spot the vocabulary from yesterday in the story?
Wednesday 24.11.21 |
Maths - Flashbacks
Work your way through the questions which flashback to learning from Year 1 and earlier on in Year 2.
English - The Snow Queen
Yesterday, you created a word bank to help you describe the Snow Queen. Today, you are going to be using your word bank to create a WANTED poster to warn people about the Snow Queen and what she looks like.
Work your way through the PowerPoint and then complete the Learning Task.
Science - Recycling
In Science, we have been looking at materials that can be recycled. This week, we are focusing on how paper is made and how it can also be recycled. Go through the PowerPoint and watch the videos.
Learning Task: Follow the instructions to have a go at making recycled paper!
Guided Reading - Traction Man
Read Traction Man and answer the questions as you go through the PowerPoint.
Thursday 25.11.21 |
Spelling - Long u (yew and oo)
Today can you write these sentences out with the spellings correct?
1. I need a cloo to answer this question.
2. The rued boy was not in school today.
3. Please can you sing a happy tewn?
4. The uenicorn is a magical creature.
5. Yesterday, I went to the zew and saw a cuet monkey.
When you have finished correcting the sentences, have a go at practising your spellings for this week ready for the test tomorrow.
English - Reading Winter poems
The weather is turning colder and it is starting to feel more like Winter. Read the poems in the presentation below. Try to practise one of the poems and read it aloud. You can add actions if you like. If you have a super performance, you can record it then upload it to your teacher via the link on the remote learning page.
Guided Reading - Making inferences
Over the last few days you have been reading the story of Traction Man. Today you are going to be putting yourself in Traction Man's shoes and trying to work out what he might be thinking or how he might be feeling.
Look at the presentation below. There is a mild or spicy sheet to choose from. Can you fill in the thought bubbles? Optionally you can draw a picture of Traction Man on a piece of paper then draw the thought bubbles. As a Hot challenge, can you also pick another part of the story and draw a thought bubble?
Maths - Adding two 2-digit numbers (crossing tens)
The video below takes you through how to add two 2-digit numbers like 36 + 27. It asks you to use base 10 apparatus which is not something you are likely to have at home. There is a printable version below or you could draw out the tens and ones to solve the problems.
Watch the video and complete the worksheet below.
Art - Lowry
In Art, we have been looking at the work of artist L.S Lowry. A key feature of Lowry's paintings are his match figures which you had a go at drawing last week. This week, have a go at adding some matchstick figures to one of Lowry's paintings. Think about the different shapes you will need to use to create your characters.
Friday 26.11.21 |
Today you would normally be doing your spelling test. Have a look at this week's word list. See if an adult can test you on the words or test yourself.
English - Writing a Winter poem
After reading the poems yesterday, today is a chance to write your own poem. Look at the presentation below and then have a go at writing your own poem inspired by Winter. You can use the sheet below or write it on a piece of lined paper.
Maths - Mental Maths Skills
Today you can have a go at your mental Maths skills. Click here to play some of the games on Karate Cats Maths from the BBC.
Music - Pulse and Rhythm
Here are two lessons from the Oak Academy focusing on keeping the beat and creating rhythmic patterns. They are both quite short so you could try to complete both.
PE - Throwing
This lesson from the Oak Academy involves you completing some throwing and catching. You will need an adult to help you with it and a few things you should have around the home.