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Year 2

Rabbits (Miss McCauslin and Mrs Bevan), Otters (Mrs Reilly and Mrs Huggett) and Badgers (Miss Mears and Miss Wilson)

Meet The Teacher 2024

Year 2 Learning

Week beginning: Monday 9 December 2024


English - The children will be writing a letter of apology from a character in a Christmas advert.

Maths -   The children will be learning about addition and subtraction. 


Foundation Subjects for this half term


Geography -  This half term the children will be learning how to locate the Arctic and Antartica on a map and learning about their physical and human features.

History - The children will be learning about what happened after the Great Fire of London. 

Science - The children will be learning about living things and their habitats.

PE - The children will develop and apply their footwork and one leg balances.

RE -  The children will be answering the key question: 'why is light an important symbol for Christians and Jews?'

PSD -  This half term's Unit is 'Celebrating Differences'.

Computing - The children will be learning about algorithmns and using Scratch Junior.

Music - The children will be singing, listening and playing instruments. 

DT -  The children will be designing and making a fire vehicle with wheels and axles.

Spellings and Homework


Autumn 2


Autumn 2

Ways to help your child


During the parent-teacher consultations, parents often asked how they can help their child at home. Below are the resources that were discussed with the year 2 staff that you might like to work on over the next few weeks. Please select the resources which are suited to your child if you would like to complete any additional learning. Note that this is optional and these resources have been provided to support parents.

1) Phonics screen resources


The BBC Bitesize website has videos to support the phase 3 phonics we have been revising this half term. 


BBC Phase 3 phonics


Phonics Play also have some free games which involve reading real and 'alien' words. You can choose all of the phases up to Phase 5. Click on the pictures to play the games.


Picnic on Pluto  Buried Treasure  Dragon's Den


You can also look a the printable resources below - or use them on screen. Practise reading the individual graphemes or try to blend them in the phonic screen resources.

2) Common exception words


This is the list of words your child should be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2. Below is a game to help them spell them - pick either Year 1 or Year 2. Also there is a printable list of the words you can practise with your child.


Little Bird Spelling

3) Letter formation


A lot of children in Year 2 have some strange ways of forming their letters. We have been doing a lot of work on getting the correct formation. Below are some printable resources you can use. Twinkl also have a guide to using the resources here on YouTube.

4) Writing sentences


Use these prompts to write sentences. Encourage your child to write either one or two grammatically correct sentences, including a capital letter and a full stop. They should read each sentence back to make sure it makes sense. It is better to focus on writing a little and often.

5) Number formation


Getting numbers around the correct way is really important. If your child is still reversing numbers such as 5, you can use the sheets below to practise numbers. You can also use this YouTube video from former Greswold teacher Mrs Johnson for ways to help get the numbers around the correct way.

6) Counting


Counting back and forwards in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s is a useful skill. Your child can use the 100 square below to practise their counting.

7) Number facts


We have previously set these number facts as homework. Knowing them off by heart is very useful, so you could continue to practise these with your child.

Useful Websites and Videos
Class Routines

Each day your child should bring:

•    Coat
•    Water bottle
•    Trainers (These are for the Daily dash and outdoor PE. They can be left on their pegs to change into when needed)
•    Book bag (if it is their book bag day starting w.b. 19.9.22)

 Indoor PE dayOutdoor PE day
Come to school dressed in:

•    White PE t-shirt
•    Blue PE sweatshirt
•    Blue PE shorts with navy / black joggers over the top
•    White socks
•    Shoes / trainers for wearing outside and around school


Bring black pumps / plimsolls to change into (or bare feet). These can be left in school.

•    White PE t-shirt
•    Blue PE sweatshirt
•    Navy / black joggers
•    White socks
•    Shoes / trainers for wearing outside and around school
For lessons your child will wear:•    White PE t-shirt
•    Blue PE shorts
•    White socks
•    Pumps / bare feet
•    White PE t-shirt
•    Blue PE sweatshirt
•    Navy / black joggers
•    Trainers (kept in school for Daily Dash)
Term Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2 
Learning Theme The Great Fire of London Africa Minibeasts
  • Character description
  • Narrative - story writing 
  • Recount  
  • Poetry
  • Story telling 
  • Narrative - story writing
  • Letter writing 
  • Poetry
  • Non-Chronological reports 
  • Story telling
  • Narrative: Traditional tales 
  • Persuasive writing 
  • Narrative - story writing
  • Letter writing 
  • Poetry
  • Report writing 
  • Place value
  • Addition & subtraction  
  • Multiplication & Division 
  • Fractions  
  • Money
  • Shape 
  • Time 
  • Statistics
  • Measurement 
  • Position & direction
ScienceMaterials Living things Animals including humansAnimals including humans with a focus on a healthy lifestylePlants Micro Habitats

Personal & Social


Being me in my world Celebrating difference Dreams and goals Healthy me Relationships The Great Growing up Adventure 
Religious EducationHow do we know what choices to make?Why is light an important symbol for Christians and Jews?Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?How can we respond to the Easter story? What happens during worship at a church and synagogue?What does it mean to belong to a faith community?
Physical Education




Coordination and Balance 

Throwing and catching



Infant Agility

Racket and ball skills



sports day skills


Target games


Coordination and balance



Art & DesignDrawing & painting Famous artists - Lowry Colour mixing African art Famous artists - Matisse Sculpture 
Geography Polar Regions Africa Mapping Skills
HistoryThe Great Fire of London Who is the greatest history maker?  
Music Singing, chanting & rhyming Playing tuned and untuned instruments - glockenspielsComposing 

Keeping safe on the internet

Scratch Junior


Computer art

Keyboard skills

Stop motion animation

Design & Technology 

Mechanisms - Wheels & axles 


Food technology - Winter soup 

Textiles - It's a puppet!Structures - stronger, stiffer, stable