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Week 2, beginning 8.11.21



Look at the powerpoint and complete the worksheets on timetables. 


This week in English, we are going to be writing a biography about the astronaut, Tim Peake. Spend some time today researching Tim's life and what he has achieved. Make sure to make some good notes because your task tomorrow will be to write a biography.


Understanding day and night. Look at the BBC bitesize website to explore day and night. Then have a go at creating the rotation of the Earth diagram. Think about how this diagram explains how we have day and night. Next week you will be writing an explanation of this.



Have a go at completing the end of unit assessment on what we have looked at so far in Statistics. If you feel you would like some practice questions first, I have attached another booklet (although some of the questions might look familiar from your homework!). 


It is now time to write your biography on Tim Peake. Use the research notes you made yesterday to help you to do this. 

Mild - accurate facts researched

Hot - same as mild and writing is well organised and interesting to read

Flamin' Hot - same as mild and hot, and a variety of techniques used to construct sentences.


In French, you are moving on to learn about food. Have a look at the bbc bitesize link to help familiarise yourself with some of the vocabulary. Then, have a go at completing the activity sheet.




Spend some time on Mathletics and Timestables Rockstars. 


Ask somebody at home to test you on your spellings and have a look at next weeks spellings. If there are any words you are unsure of, look them up in the dictionary. 



Complete the Tim Peake comprehension below. Rememeber 1 star is mild, 2 stars is hot and 3 stars is flamin' hot.


L: Create light and shadows using shading

See the document below for your task.
