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Week 5, beginning 29.11.21



Today we are going to apply our learning from last week to word problems. If you get confused and have forgotten how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 then check back on the bbc bitesize link to help you. First, read through the ppt and then have a go at the questions.


This week we are looking at plural possessive apostrophes - something we noticed that many of you found tricky when we looked at them for spellings! Read through the powerpoint and then have a go at the two tasks. Remember, the stars at the bottom of the sheet indicate mild, hot and flamin' hot.


We are coming to the end of our topic of Ancient Greece. Our main question for the term has been: was Ancient Greece the birthplace of Western Civilisation? Read through the powerpoint and see if you can answer the question. Think about all the arguments for and against. Next week, we will be writing up the debate.



Tomorrow we are going to complete our end of unit assessment. Today's task is to consolidate all the learning we have done over the last few weeks and revise any areas we have found tricky. We have covered:

- multiples

- factors

- square numbers

- cubed numbers

- prime numbers

- multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000

- dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.


You can either research these areas yourself or have a go on some of the games on the link below to help remind you of each of these areas.

Guided Reading

Read chapter 4 of Jazz Harper and then have a look at the vocabulary on the powerpoint below. Do you know what all of the words mean? You could use a dictionary to find out those that you don't know. Then have a go at the task on the next slide.


Over the last few weeks we have been looking at 'celebrating differences'. Many people are guilty of stereotyping others because of where they come - their culture. Have a read through the powerpoint below and then create a poster showcasing everything you have learnt about why it is good to be unique and why cultural differences are positive things.You could also include some of the things you have learnt about racism, anti-bullying and conflicts between cultures.



We are going to be writing a letter of complaint for our writing assessment to the World's Worst Zoo. Have a look at the Powerpoint below and see if you can come up with a plan, so you can write your assessment once you're back in school. There is also a complaint example letter below.


Complete the end of unit assessment to see how confident you have been in our topic of Multiplying and Dividing. If there are any areas you struggled in, look back at Monday's games to see if you can continue to practice.


Watch the Oak Academy video here to better understand seasons. Ignore the part about writing an answer to a question - we aren't expecting you to do that! 


Then, match up the statements below.



Have a look at the Powerpoint below reminding you how to write a formal letter. Then, using your plan from yesterday, write your letter of complaint! Remember, you can send in the work for your teacher to look at.


Have a go at the arithmetic paper below. The answers are on the last page so you can mark it afterwards!


Follow the Oak National Academy lesson about describing what nationality you are and where you live.



Have a go at TT Rockstars and practice for at least 20 minutes.


Guided Reading

Read Chapter 5 of Jazz Harper (see Tuesday's lesson). Then, have a go at completing the questions below.


Have a go at making origami Christmas trees. The link is here. If you are proud of yours, you could always bring it in to help decorate your classroom!


Ask somebody at home to test you on this week's spellings.
