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Week 7, beginning 14.2.22




L: SPaG test 

Complete the Spelling and Grammar test below. The answers are there too for you to mark.


L: Adding fractions

Watch the Oak Academy video on adding fractions here. Then, give the sheets below a go. They are chilli challenged.


L: Compare  life cycles

Complete as much research as you can about the life cycles of each animal class: mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish etc.

Then, write a play script to compare the Life Cycles as though you are working on a TV show with David Attenborough. There is an example below for reference. Be sure to use scientific language!




L: Subtracting fractions

Watch the Oak Academy video here on subtracting fractions. Then, have a go at the work below.


L: Vocabulary

See if you can use a dictionary (or online dictionary) to find the definitions of the words below. After that, write a short story to include all the words!


L: Growth Mindset

Look through the Powerpoint on Growth Mindset. Have a go at creating your own 'Growth Mindset tree' as described on the Powerpoint.


L: Keeping active

Choose 3 Just Dances to complete at home. You can always do more if you're feeling adventurous!




L: Detailed research about a Victorian inventor

Have a look through the Powerpoint below. Then, complete more independent research about a Victorian inventor of your choice. Make sure they are definitely from the Victorian era!


L: Arithmetic paper

Have a go at the Arithmetic paper below. You can mark it yourself afterwards.


L: Use research to write a persuasive speech

Using  the research from your English lesson, you need to convince me that your inventor really is the best! Write a persuasive speech to convince me. Look at the Powerpoint below for some extra pointers.
