This week you are learning about the British Isles. Watch the Powerpoint about the World and look at where we are (live) in comparison to the rest of the world. Also watch the Powerpoint about the Brisitish Isles.
Once you have watched the Powerpoints and seen where the British Isles is in comparison to the rest of the world, choose one of the challenges to label the British Isles, can you choose the correct symbol that represents each country. Can you label the Countries and seas/ oceans?
This half term we have been learning about different sculpters and the pieces they have created. Choose on of these artisits and try to create a sculpture in their style: Andy Goldsworthy (Natural art), Henry Moore (Clay Sculture), Giacometti (foil and wire), Jill Townsley (household items).
Take a photo of your piece and add it to Tapestry.
Guided Reading
Please click below to share the guided reading sessions for this week. We are sharing the story of The Grinch.
The first session is to share the vocabulary found in this book. Then play vocabulary charades/ Pictionary.
Work your way through the Powerpoint and share the whole story after you have talked through the vocabulary.