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Year 1- Week Beginning 25.01.21

Click here to watch the introduction video to this weeks home learning.


The 1st Reading Challenge of 2021 is now ready!


It's fun and easy to take part.  Please visit the Library Zone section of the school website to complete the challenge.

Talking with your child about books is a wonderful thing and we'd love to find out what they love to read too. 

If you and your child would like to share with us what they are reading, that would be fantastic!  Younger children may of course need some help to add the information to the form. 

We look forward to finding out what your favourite things to read are!  Thank you.

Mrs Beddow, Reading Champion :-) 

Monday 25.01.21



To start your phonics session have a go at recapping some phase sounds and tricky words. Choose a different set of digraphs, blends or words to recap each day.


Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Tricky Words


Linked below are the Year 1 and 2 common exception words. Your child should be able to read and spell the Year 1 common exception words by the end of Year 1. If your child is confident with reading and spelling the Year 1 common exception words try learning to read and spell the Year 2 common exception words. 


Today's focus sound is 'oi'. Click here to take part in the recorded phonics session and use the link below to see what 'Geraldine the Giraffe' found around the house. 


Choose your level of 'oi' word search challenge to complete. If you are unable to print the word search use the online word search creator linked below.



Please read with your child for 15-20 minutes each day by choosing a free ebook from the correct book band using the Oxford Owl website here. This can be done in one chunk or broken up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Please send a Tapestry message to your child's class teacher to find out which coloured band your child is on.

Guided Reading


This week we will be reading 'Little Burnt Face' from the 'Cinderella- Stories Around the World' Collection. To begin we will briefly recap on some of the things we know about the story of Cinderella. Click here to watch the pre recorded lesson. 


In today's activity you will be answering the retrieval, inference and choice questions about Cinderella Trailer. You can answer these questions verbally or write them down on the RIC document/a blank piece of paper.



This week in English we will be looking at the story of Cinderella. Watch the pre recorded lesson and then have a go at ordering the sequencing cards. If you are unable to print, order the cards by writing down the corresponding letters



In today's Maths lesson you will recap you knowledge of place value using dienes by watching the pre recorded lesson and playing the 'Shark Numbers' game linked below. 



Using the pre recorded lesson to recap on the seven continents and a variety of different animals. You will learn which animals are native to each continent. 


Use the 'Animals from Around the World' worksheet to match the animals to the correct continent. 



Personal best challenge: How many star jumps can you do in one minute? Repeat this challenge each day and try and beat your own score.


P.E with Joe Wicks- These workouts will be broadcast live at 9am, but don't worry if you miss the live session, they will also be saved to his YouTube channel to watch at any time of the day! 

Tuesday 26.01.21



To start your phonics session have a go at recapping some phase sounds and tricky words. Choose a different set of digraphs, blends or words to recap each day.


Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Tricky Words


Linked below are the Year 1 and 2 common exception words. Your child should be able to read and spell the Year 1 common exception words by the end of Year 1. If your child is confident with reading and spelling the Year 1 common exception words try learning to read and spell the Year 2 common exception words. 


Today we are recapping the 'oi' digraph. Click here to take part in the recorded phonics session and use the link below to read some more 'oi' words. 



Please read with your child for 15-20 minutes each day by choosing a free ebook from the correct book band using the Oxford Owl website here. This can be done in one chunk or broken up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Please send a Tapestry message to your child's class teacher to find out which coloured band your child is on.

Guided Reading


Use the pre recorded lesson to learn the vocabulary in ' Little Burnt Face'.


Listen to the first part of the story and then predict what you think might happen next. You could write your ideas on a piece of paper or record them on Tapestry  



Miss Evans needs your help again. These Fairy Tale characters just won't leave us alone. Click here to find out more.



In today's Maths lesson you will learn how to partition a two/three digit number and write it in it's expanded from. Click here to watch the pre recorded lesson. 


Choose your level of partitioning challenge below. If you are unable to print you could write the numbers on a blank piece of paper. If you do not have a di at home use the online dice roller linked below. 



Listen to the story of 'Zacchaeus' on the pre recorded lesson


Think of a time when you have done something wrong and have been shown forgiveness or a time when you have shown forgiveness. Draw a picture and write some sentences to explain what happened. 



Personal best challenge: How many star jumps can you do in one minute? Repeat this challenge each day and try and beat your own score.


Have a go at dancing along with the Fairy Godmother to Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo using the link below.

Wednesday 27.01.21



To start your phonics session have a go at recapping some phase sounds and tricky words. Choose a different set of digraphs, blends or words to recap each day.#


Linked below are the Year 1 and 2 common exception words. Your child should be able to read and spell the Year 1 common exception words by the end of Year 1. If your child is confident with reading and spelling the Year 1 common exception words try learning to read and spell the Year 2 common exception words. 


Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Tricky Words


Today's focus sound is 'oy'. Click here to take part in the recorded phonics session and use the link below to see what 'Geraldine the Giraffe' found around the house. 


Complete the real/nonsense word work sheet. If you are unable to print split a page in half and sort the words by writing them in a real or nonsense word column.



Please read with your child for 15-20 minutes each day by choosing a free ebook from the correct book band using the Oxford Owl website here. This can be done in one chunk or broken up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Please send a Tapestry message to your child's class teacher to find out which coloured band your child is on.

Guided Reading


In today's lesson we will learn the rest of the vocabulary in 'Little Burnt Face' and then listen to the story. Click here to watch the pre recorded lesson. 



That Lady Tremaine was awful, I hope we don't hear from her again. We have had some more information about Cinderella and how we can help her.  Click here to find out more.


Choose your level of challenge below to help out the Fairy Godmother. 



Click here to watch the pre recorded lesson on representing numbers. 


Choose your level of challenge below. 



This week we will be starting our D.T project of 'Moving Pictures'. Watch the pre recorded lesson to learn how to create a slider. If you are unable to print you could draw your own simple picture of the Gingerbread Man. 



Personal best challenge: How many star jumps can you do in one minute? Repeat this challenge each day and try and beat your own score.


P.E with Joe Wicks- These workouts will be broadcast live at 9am, but don't worry if you miss the live session, they will also be saved to his YouTube channel to watch at any time of the day! 

Thursday 28.01.21



Spelling Test


The words the children should be tested on this week are:


  • boy
  • toy
  • annoy
  • enjoy
  • boil
  • coin
  • hoist
  • point
  • come
  • some



Please read with your child for 15-20 minutes each day by choosing a free ebook from the correct book band using the Oxford Owl website here. This can be done in one chunk or broken up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Please send a Tapestry message to your child's class teacher to find out which coloured band your child is on.

Guided Reading


Click here to watch the pre recorded lesson with a recap of 'Little Burnt Face'. 


Complete the comprehension questions below. If you are unable to print record your answers on a blank piece of paper. 



Cinderella's Fairy Godmother needs a little more help to get Cinderella to the ball. Click here to find out how you can help.


Record your work on Tapestry.



In today's lesson you will play the partitioning hoop toss game. Click here to find out how.


Instead of hoops you could use:

  • cushions 
  • pieces of paper
  • outdoor chalk
  • boxes
  • washing baskets 
  • bowls 


Instead of beanbags you could use:

  • socks
  • cuddly toys 
  • scrap, scrunched up pieces of paper
  • balls





In this week's Geography lesson you will be creating your own map. Click here to watch the pre recorded lesson. 


Once you have watched the pre recorded lesson click here to watch Miss Mears model the activity.  



Personal best challenge: How many star jumps can you do in one minute? Repeat this challenge each day and try and beat your own score.


Cinderella Action Game


Demonstrate each of the actions that match the Cinderella themed word. Call out the actions for the children in different orders, can they remember all of the actions and follow along quickly enough?


Cinderella- Curtsey

Fairy Godmother- Spin in a circle 

Midnight- Both hands pointing to the sky

Prince Charming- Bow

Mouse- Curl up in a tiny ball

Pumpkin- Stretch your arms and legs out as wide as possible 

Ball- Free style dance.

Library Story-Time

Libby the Library Bear has joined in with the Reading Challenge today and has been getting ready for the Big Garden Birdwatch too.  We hope you enjoy the stories.  Please listen when best suits your family. 

Friday 29.01.21



To start your phonics session have a go at recapping some phase sounds and tricky words. Choose a different set of digraphs, blends or words to recap each day.


Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Tricky Words


Linked below are the Year 1 and 2 common exception words. Your child should be able to read and spell the Year 1 common exception words by the end of Year 1. If your child is confident with reading and spelling the Year 1 common exception words try learning to read and spell the Year 2 common exception words. 


Today we are recapping the 'oy' digraph. Click here to take part in the recorded phonics session and join in with the oi/oy rap linked below. 



Please read with your child for 15-20 minutes each day by choosing a free ebook from the correct book band using the Oxford Owl website here. This can be done in one chunk or broken up into smaller chunks throughout the day. Please send a Tapestry message to your child's class teacher to find out which coloured band your child is on.

Guided Reading


This week we have been reading the story 'Little Burnt Face.' Watch the pre-recorded lesson and have a go at comparing the statements from the story with the story of Cinderella.



That awful Lady Tremaine is back again. Please help! Click here to find out more. 


Choose your level of challenge below to help Miss Evans out.



In today's Maths lesson you will be working on your reasoning skills. Click here to watch the pre recorded video.


Choose your challenge below.



Oak Academy Music- Understanding Pulse 


In this lesson, we will be learning about pulse, how to find it and how to move our body in time to the beat. Click the link below to start the lesson.



Personal best challenge: How many star jumps can you do in one minute? Repeat this challenge each day and try and beat your own score.


P.E with Joe Wicks- These workouts will be broadcast live at 9am, but don't worry if you miss the live session, they will also be saved to his YouTube channel to watch at any time of the day! 
